14 - Beyond The Wall

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The knights of Camelot charged across the open feild. All the knights of the round table were out front. All except Terran and the King, who trailed behind them do to not being on horses.

Mordred leaped off the back of her horse and right into the action. Red lightning exploded outward as she made contact with the ground. The undead nearby were sent flying back from the force. The ones to close to the mysterious knight were torn apart.

The sun was directly overhead, which meant Gawain was fighting at full strength. The knights carved a path through the clumsy undead with ease.

Herald's massive size and immense strength allowed him to cut through the hoard with relative ease. He used this to his advantage, wanting to get inside the walls.


Terran and Artoria ran quickly to catch up with their allies. The clanging of metal and their breaths were all that they could hear over the battle infront of them.

They arrived after the short run and joined into the fighting. They fought their way to the front and started to help the other knights push through.

Solis cut through the undead with ease. Something he had noticed was that no human men fought in the Shay army. Maybe they were deterred by working with the dead, or maybe they had already joined them. The thought was daunting.

Terran slashed left and right, clearing the way so he could continue onward.

"Push forward!" Herald yelled across the battlefield, "These walking corpses are no match for us!"

The men all yelled as the charged forward, Heralds call pulling them along.

"We're nearly there!" Terran called out.

He dodged to the side as a sword was lazily thrust towards him. The flood of undead didn't seem to stop.

The hole in the wall was filled by corpses crawling over the dragon. It was difficult to watch. Countless men reanimated and sent to battle for the sadistic Callum Shay.

Terran dodged an axe before cutting off the arm that swung it. Arrows rained down on the undead army. More of Geralds magic arrows. He continued towards the broken wall.

As he got closer, he saw a man in black robes. His hands were resting on the dragons scales, letting off a strange glow at the contact. The knights watched in curiosity. Then he started chanting and all the knights rushed towards him.

Herald Cross grabbed him, lifting him off the ground and putting a dagger to his throat.

"I think we've found the necromancer." He said, "where's the Shay?"

The necromancer gave no words, but smiled behind his black hood instead. Herald pressed the dagger into his throat just hard enough to break skin.

"Don't mess with me boy." Herald growled.

He looked at the undead who quickly approached.

"Command them to stop, necromancer." He ordered.

The necromancer smirked and snapped his fingers. All the dead dropped to the ground.

"Where's Shay?" It was closer to a command than a question.

"Where do you think?" He motioned toaards the highest tower, "Not that you'll ever reach him."

He snapped his fingers again, causing all the knights to go on guard. Not only did the undead begin rising, but the dragon too.

Herald found himself distracted by it. So much so that he didn't notice its tale swatting at him.

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