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Anakin was solemn faced as Astrid spritzed around her room, grabbing her things for her mission on Felucia. Astrid eyed him with concern as she slung her Jedi cloak over her shoulders. He was currently sitting on the edge of the bed in silence, and he'd been silent all morning. 

Anakin Skywalker was never quiet

Astrid's heart gave a pang as she remembered his screams and cries from his nightmare last night as he shouted her name with panicked desperation. She didn't think she would ever forget the way his voice had sounded during that moment-- as if he, himself, had been the one gutted and slaughtered. 

When Astrid was finished dressing and gathering her things, she walked towards Anakin and clasped his face in her hands. His crushing blue eyes were sorrowful as they lifted to her face. 

Astrid swallowed before reaching into the pocket of her cloak and withdrawing a small sand dollar. She pressed it into his hands. The sand dollar was from Scarif, and she'd always kept it with her at all times for luck. 

"Here," she said softly. "When you're feeling upset or sad or worried, just hold it and think of me." She gave him a lilting smile. "It's my lucky charm, so keep it safe for me while I am away." 

He gave her a small smile in response before he looked down to gaze at the white, fragile sand dollar resting in his palm. It was so delicate that to apply even a small amount of pressure to it would smash it into smithereens.  

"Thank you," he replied thickly, and Astrid smiled. 

"I have to go now," she told him gently. "Master Secura is waiting for me in the hangar." 

Anakin's head lifted as his eyes found hers, and he stood up from the bed and kissed her fiercely. Astrid could sense his fear for her safety through the Force and through his kiss as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tightly to him. 

Astrid was disappointed when they had to break apart, and she gave Anakin one last, lingering kiss and whispered, "I love you. Always and forever." 

His eyes widened at her words as if he'd seen a ghost. She laughed, her cheeks becoming a deep red as embarrassment by her lovesick words flooded through her. Perhaps that last line had been a little too much. 

As she turned away, Anakin grasped her hand, causing her to stop, and as her eyes met his, he said softly, "I love you, too, Astrid. Always and forever." 

Astrid smiled as she wondered why this goodbye was perhaps the hardest for them. They'd said goodbye to each other millions of times throughout the Clone Wars, yet this one felt different. It felt final

Astrid gave him one last smile before she left the room, her heart in tatters. Why did she have to agree to help Master Secura and leave Anakin all on his own? Anakin was already taking his new role as the Chancellor's spy hard, and she had a feeling Obi-Wan wasn't being too sympathetic about it. Anakin needed her to be here to ground him, just like last night. 

The sun was beginning to rise, but heavy clouds obscured the golden, reaching sunlight, casting the temple halls in gloom. 

When Astrid arrived at the hangar, she found Master Secura waiting for her outside a ship in the far corner of the room. Astrid started towards her former master, her lightsaber hilt slapping gently against her thigh with every step. 

A smile lifted Master Secura's lips as she spotted Astrid, and she raised a hand in greeting. Astrid was about halfway across the cavernous hangar when she heard a voice shout from behind her, "Astrid!" 

The Tragic Jedi  | Anakin SkywalkerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ