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Ahsoka turned around from where she'd been studying the blue hologram of the Core System as if she'd sensed Astrid and Mon Mothma's presence behind her. At the sight of Astrid beside the senator, Ahsoka's eyes widened with shock.

Astrid's knees felt weak.

Ahsoka's face broke out into a wide grin as she let out a shout of glee. Her blue eyes sparkled with pure happiness as she rushed towards Astrid. At the same time, Astrid's legs gave out, but Ahsoka reached her just in time to catch her around her shoulders so that Astrid's knees only tapped gently against the ground. 

Both of them were on the ground now, tears streamed down both of their faces as they clutched each other into a tight hug. Astrid tightened her arms around her old friend-- a friend she thought long dead, especially since she hadn't felt her presence in the Force. Or perhaps Astrid had never even bothered looking for Ahsoka's Force-presence because it would've been too hard for her to find it gone.

"Ahsoka," Astrid finally managed to speak, her voice shaking with her shock. Ahsoka drew back from her with a wide beam, eyes glistening as she gazed at Astrid. Astrid realized her own hands were shaking. "I thought you were dead," Astrid whispered as she fisted her shaking hands to try and stop their trembling. "I didn't feel your presence in the Force--"

"And I thought you were dead!" Ahsoka burst out.

In unison, they asked each other, "Where have you been?"

The two paused before they exchanged laughter-- laughter full of relief and happiness.

"You first," Ahsoka insisted as she waved a hand at Astrid. "Tell me where you've been all this time. And start from the beginning."

And so Astrid did.

She told her about Felucia and Master Secura's fate, before launching into the story of her stay with Bail Organa, and then her help with the rebels as Bail's assistant. She launched into the story about her missions to Scarif, including the most recent one that resulted in the destruction of the planet. When Astrid reached the part about Darth Vader-- no, Anakin-- she came to a stuttering stop.

At this point, Ahsoka was watching her with solemn, but bright eyes, enraptured by her story. But Ahsoka was also observant, so she quickly noticed Astrid's apparent unease. Ahsoka must've guessed the direction of Astrid's story because she probed tentatively, "You had an encounter with Darth Vader?"

Astrid nodded. "I've had several encounters with him before as Bail's assistant. I've held entire conversations with him, though some of them weren't exactly pleasant, but rather uncomfortable and tense. But, Ahsoka--"

Astrid paused hesitantly, wishing to tell Ahsoka about Darth Vader's true identity, but also not wanting to because she didn't want to destroy Ahsoka's golden perception of her former master.

Ahsoka prompted Astrid to continue with her eyes.

Astrid took a breath and glanced to where Mon Mothma lingered by the doorway before saying in a low, quiet voice, "Ahsoka, Darth Vader--" Astrid shook her head as she paused. She took a breath before grasping Ahsoka's hands in her own and whispering, "Anakin is still alive, Ahsoka. Anakin is... he's Darth Vader."

Astrid could sense Mon Mothma's shock from across the room at this news, but she kept her attention fixated on Ahsoka sitting before her. Astrid expected disbelief, shock, or maybe even outrage from Ahsoka, but she most definitely did not expect the calmness evident on Ahsoka's face as if she... as if she already knew.

The Tragic Jedi  | Anakin SkywalkerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz