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Astrid waited expectantly for Obi-Wan's nod of confirmation that Anakin was Darth Vader, and when he finally nodded, she felt a pang of anguish at having the horrible truth confirmed.

But then her heartbreak transformed into anger, and she stepped towards him as she said in an accusatory tone, "Obi-Wan, you told me he was dead--"

"Anakin is dead," Obi-Wan interrupted calmly, seemingly unfazed by her anger. "What I told you was true... from a certain point of view. Darth Vader took his place."

Astrid let out an impatient huff with a roll of her eyes before replying shortly, "You pretend as if he is unable to be saved, to have some form of redemption. If Anakin is dead, then there is no hope to get him back, and I refuse to believe that."

At her words, Obi-Wan dipped his gaze to the ground as if in shame or maybe even guilt before he murmured, "You didn't see him on Mustafar, Astrid. He was lost."

Astrid's breath hitched at the mention of Mustafar, and she realized that when Obi-Wan had told her months ago that he'd been sent to fight Darth Vader on that fiery planet, he had actually been sent to fight Anakin, to end him. Anakin had fought Obi-Wan, his own master, and tried to kill him, too. The realization was almost too horrific for Astrid to bear.

Obi-Wan continued, "Master Yoda and I returned to Coruscant to warn all the Jedi away. It was in the temple that I saw the footage." Obi-Wan trailed off as if he was unwilling to speak further on the topic, but then he continued in a voice breathless with pain, "I saw-- I saw--" Again, he paused and seemed to reconsider his words. When he spoke next, his voice was firmer and somehow more resolute. "I saw the footage of him bowing before Darth Sidious, pledging his loyalty to the Sith."

Astrid inhaled a ragged breath at this as overwhelming shock and despair crashed over her with a ferocity that weakened her knees. Astrid lifted a hand to her mouth as tears pricked her eyes at the monstrosity Anakin had committed in joining the Dark Side, even though this wasn't the first she was hearing of it.

Obi-Wan continued reluctantly, "Master Yoda sent me to Mustafar to kill him, though I didn't want to. We both sensed the Dark Side gathering strongly there, and knew Anakin had to be on Mustafar. When I arrived, Anakin had already slaughtered all the Separatist leaders on Mustafar, I assume on orders from Darth Sidious."

He took a shuddering breath. "I tried to reason with him, but he refused to listen. Eventually, it came down to a duel, and--" He swallowed thickly "--obviously I won, or else I wouldn't be alive. I thought he had died. He was being burned alive--"

Each word Obi-Wan uttered that revealed the depth of Anakin's crimes was like being punched repeatedly in the face by a metal hand. And the sound of Anakin being hurt, of being in excruciating pain--

"Stop," Astrid managed to stammer out, unable to stand the imagery bombarding her mind. She waved her hand as she said, "Please, stop. I can't. I can't hear any more of this. I can't bear it, Obi-Wan, I can't."

Her voice's trembling grew in intensity with each word she spoke, and by the end of her sentence, her legs gave out entirely, and she fell onto her knees on the hard ground with a sob. She bowed her head as her shoulders shook with her tears, and she sensed Obi-Wan moving beside her before she felt his arm around her shoulders in an effort to provide her comfort.

She looked up at Obi-Wan with a tear streaked face as she cried, "How can I save him, Obi-Wan? I can't-- I can't leave him to suffer alone like this. I-- I don't even know why he turned to the Sith. Please, you must help me save him."

The Tragic Jedi  | Anakin SkywalkerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant