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Chapter 17: Trip down my life.

So this was how you died; in whispers that you did not hear”
                      - Ernest Hemingway.


If you are ready then tell me. Don't just tell me in the pressure of what I said. You don't have to say anything back. I just wanted to tell you before I exploded.” Vladimir says.

There are times in someone's life when you find someone that can say what you want them to say without even knowing it themselves.

Vladimir plays with the strings of my heart with such ease that I am scared. I am falling too deep and I don't want to get hurt.

I know he'll be there to catch me when I fall. I don't want to hurt him when he knows that I can fly.

I took his hand in mine and all my previous sleep going out through the window.

I take a deep breath and lean against him.

“ When I was born, our whole coven celebrated. I was 8 years younger than my stepsisters, Abigail and Samantha. They both are 26 while I am 18. Our whole coven was celebrating because their leader had a child, after trying for 8 years. I had the best childhood anyone could ever dream of. My mother loved me more than my both sisters. I had a loving father who would've protected me at every cost and two sisters that hated me because I ruined their relationship with our parents when I came. I was loved by everyone as I was their miracle child.”

I glanced towards Vladimir and saw him looking at me.

“ My mother was a high-ranked vampire from another coven. The people of my mother's coven were psychics. They knew manipulation and mind control. That was their gift. My mother was the highest-ranked vampire there and she had Simon as her chosen. They both loved each other despite not being each other's true beloveds. But a year before I was born, my mother went on a vacation to her homeland. But in the middle of the journey, she was attacked by the rebels. My mother ran and found herself into a deep part of an unknown forest. There she met my father, her true beloved. Blinded by the bond, she had me with him. She thought it'll be a one-time thing but I was born and she told Simon that it was his child. Simon was overjoyed.”

I leaned into Vladimir's open arms. He was listening without saying anything.
“ When I turned 7 or 8, I don't remember what age. My genes from my real father were shown. I was a psychic like my mother from birth. But my father, he was a Fae creature.”  I felt Vladimir tense up.
He looked towards me.

“ You are part fae?” He was bewildered.

“ I got my fae side and to stop Simon from knowing who my father was my mother took away my voice so I couldn't tell Simon nor could I find my real father. She trapped my wings and my other Fae characteristics with the help of a witch. I lived in those dungeons up until I was 13. My mother died when I was thirteen due to suicide. I don't know the story behind her death because no one told me. Simon got me out and made me work as a worker of the castle. He hated me so much because due to me he lost his wife and his wife cheated on her and I was a constant reminder of that.”

I felt Vladimir kiss my temple.“ After that, I couldn't speak for 5 years, until the day of that ball. I never really wanted a mate.”  I felt him go rigid. His hands stopped stroking my face.

“ I thought beloved or mates were supposed to make us their slaves. That's how they did it in our coven. The women didn't mind. They loved being submissive most of the time. I was never the one to listen to anything they said. Everyone in my coven wanted you as their beloved and I didn't want to be in the spotlight. Consider my shock when I met you, Mr.Green.” 

Vladimir [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now