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Chapter # 38 : Sometimes you do.

I burned so long so quiet you must have wondered if I loved you back.
I did. I did. I do.”
                             — Annelyse Gelman.


Adrienne's P.O.V

There is no such thing in a world that can describe how I am feeling right now. I don't know what to do.

My back hurts from sitting in one position for too long and my finger nails are almost all chipped off due to me picking at them in this state of panic.

There is a scrawny feeling at the back of my throat and surprisingly I can feel Moonile at the near surface. It's like she is ready to explode. She disappeared when I did.

It suddenly feels like I am not that alone after all. I have her and I have my baby.

My hands go down to my currently flat stomach.
I always though that why do women touch their bellies whenever they are pregnant?
It is almost instinctive. We become aware of another presence and another part of us.

I take a deep breath and look around. I am still in this room.

The woman who calls herself the youngest fate sister, disappeared about an hour or so ago.

She told me to be calm and that I would I always see her whenever I am in utter need of that herb.

But how much longer can this herb save me? Eventually I am going to start to show. How can I guarantee this child's safety? It's not safe here and it is not somewhere it should be born. This is the land of fey. There is no time here. This place is full of enchantments and illusions. And I won't be able to keep it safe here. The baby is going to be half werewolf.
It's rightful place is with the wolves, where his father grew up.

I need to leave everything in the past behind and focus on this little life inside me. I need to make sure it's safe. Always and forever.

And I am sure the wolves will guarantee that.

I need to get out of here.

The sound of someone outside the door makes my already tense body more tense.

I feel my wings appearing and my horns feel a little heavy.

I can feel Moonile at the back of my mind ready to take over. She has a reason again. A little guest to protect.

Lamarck steps inside the room with that vile smile on his face.

“ You're awake. I really hope you liked your room. This is supposed to be the princess's room. Yours.” He comes forward.

My lips curl as I feel my eyes switch color. A loud rumble passes my lips as his steps halt.

His eyes narrow.“ I see you have more energy. Of course! You are standing in your kingdom. You must be getting extreme energy and magic from it.”

I don't give him an answer like always and he rolls his eyes.
“ Quite the dramatics. We have to go meet father. After all we need his consent and his blood for the ritual.”


“ What ritual?!” I snap at him.

He beams.“ She speaks!”

When I don't twitch at his stupid joke he sighs.“ We really need to get past this hatered. I am talking about the wedding.” His annoying voice reaches  me.

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