22 | SD Rhys Chandler

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Chapter Twenty-Two
Jayce Mirella

"Yes, Mr. Hennrich I assure you that just like the other cases you've helped post a bond with that you will be receiving your money back in full including the premium coverage," Rhys replies to the person, Mr. Hennrich, on the other end of the phone.

Rhys Chandler travels across the room, walking over to his large bookshelf where his fingers begin to skim over a book his eyes are glossing over. He nods his head like the person he's speaking with is right in front of him, catching himself, he grunts in response to whatever Mr. Hennrich was saying on the other end of the phone.

I look away from Rhys to focus on the coffee table where a thick vanilla cream color folder sits with papers overflowing, begging to be released from their confinement in the tight space. In black ink, the words, 'Jayce Mirella,' are neatly written across the middle of the file in big lettering. I knew that my case file was the thin packet of paper right beside the folder, however, I had no idea what was inside the folder itself.

My curiosity was piqued; I made it up in my mind that I wanted to see what was inside the folder, the only thing that stood in my way was Rhys. I turn around to look at Rhys who continues to speak to the person on the other end of the line, his concentration is elsewhere — his gaze remained on his desk while his mouth moved but I didn't care much about the contents of what he was saying. The big words he was spewing out only confused me so I've settled on tuning him out as it wasn't really necessary for me to understand what he was saying anyway.

Any other time, I would have fallen victim to my inability to follow the directions Rhys set which entailed me waiting until Rhys came over to show me the thick folder himself, and frankly not have given a damn but a nonverbal truce seemed to have blossomed between the two of us. Rhys Chandler catches my eyes as he opens his mouth to say something. Unable to make eye contact with him for long periods anymore, I glance away and face the coffee table once again.

After what happened between us earlier, I made up my mind about where I stand in regards to how I'll be conducting myself during my duration with Rhys Chandler. Initially, I wanted to make things hard for him; give him hell in essence. After hearing the things he said, I decided to change my tune. I'm not saying that I trust him nor am I saying that I like him, but I will do my best to be compliant and set aside my disdain for him.

Of course, I don't anticipate that I'll be a saint — that would be asking for a miracle — though I do intend to be at least manageable for him. Besides, it's not like Rhys hasn't already cracked the Jayce Mirella code. If I was an AI, then he'd be the computer genius that hacked his way into my system and figured out my algorithm. Notice how I emphasize 'hacked' because I never gave the bastard permission to act as if he had me all figured out, I won't admit that that rich asshole knows even a percentage of me though, he sure as hell likes to act as if he did.

"Your bail will be paid," Rhys announces suddenly. I watch him walk over to the chair in front of me, and take a seat. "You're required to attend every single hearing."

"I know," I respond with more attitude then I meant to.

I can't help myself when it comes to him. His very existence on this planet managed to irritate me to the depth of my soul, I can't control my sharp tongue nor the automatic quips that fly past my lips faster than Usain Bolt sprinting during a race.

"Right." He replied monotonously. "I'm surprised you kept your paws off the folder, you're prone to not listening."

I glare at him and bite back my retaliation. The only thing that gets under my skin more than his very being is the way he blatantly ignores my remarks, brushes the things I do off his shoulder, or gabs one of his remarks at me when he knows how much of a fucking spitfire I am despite me trying hard to remain the Jayce Mirella way of docile! This is why I hate Rhys Chandler.

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