27 | The Element Of Surprise

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Chapter Twenty-Seven
Jayce Mirella

"I have good news and bad news," Rhys announced as he makes a turn down another crowed and busy street.

At the moment, we are on our way to the preliminary hearing but the traffic is truly a monster. Cars are honking every which way, in the distance, you could even hear the angry shouts of road maniacs who had the gall to stick their heads out of their windows yelling a string of curse words as they shook their angry fists in the air. I'm not sure if that was truly happening but multiple men were yelling angrily, I just envisioned that they would be sticking their heads out of their cars and swinging their fists around as they did so because that was much more amusing for me to think.

"Lay it on me." Came my reply.

Rhys inches forward as the light turns green but we aren't able to move much from where we were previously. I didn't anticipate that there would be this much traffic or that it would take this long to get to the courthouse; we've been on the road for thirty minutes now and it originally isn't supposed to take this long to get there from Lennox Law Firm. The last time I was on my way to the courthouse I was in a police car that had their sirens turned on as they used their privilege to speed past cars and evade red lights that postponed everyone else's arrival. In Rhys Chandler's case, he did not possess the ability to do the same so we'd be stuck in traffic for a while.

"Well actually I just have bad news," Rhys admits.

I glare at him. "Why the hell did you say that there was good news then?"

"Because saying that I have bad news followed by bad news sounds horrible."

I shake my head as I look back at the window, watching the cars around us speed forward. Fortunately, traffic was moving faster now and we were now able to drive forward at a slow but nicer pace. Before we were going at a snail's pace, at least now we can change lanes and head down the lane that's much faster than the one we were in before. Rhys travels down to the lane on the far left, followed by a sharp turn just moments before the light was about to turn red. He just barely made it. This is a different route that I don't remember going down before but considering how the top of the courthouse is now in view, I've concluded that this is most definitely a short cut.

"Hearing your voice is horrible enough." I jab at him distractedly

I don't have to see it to know that Rhys rolled those blue eyes of his. "Are you going to listen to me or are you going to continue to be a pain in the ass?"

"When am I not a pain in the ass?" I laugh.

Rhys is silent until I hear him say, "touché."

I can't help but laugh a little. "What's the bad news?"

It's not like I was unaware that I can be annoying, I know myself well enough to know that I can be a bother to others. Given that I know how to get under people's skin, I use that skill — I think of it as a skill — to bother others as that is what gives me pleasure in life. There is nothing in this world that is more satisfying than watching someone who has always been put together crumble beneath the words that come out of your mouth as you watch them lose their calm exterior in replacement for an eruption you would have never expected since they carry themselves so well.

A prime example was Rhys Chandler.

I knew from the moment I saw him that he'd be entertaining to watch. From the moment he waltzed into that room in his designer clothing with his head held high, strong and tall stature, poised demeanor, and his poker face, I knew that he would be the perfect pawn. It's too bad it only lasted for a day or two; now and then I'll be able to get a reaction out of him but my success rate has plummeted dramatically within the last few days. I had to also contribute my failure with how complacent I've been these last couple of days.

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