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             Everyone Knew the history of the United States of Auradon. How about twenty years along Belle married her beast, and instead of a honeymoon the pair decided to unite the eighteen kingdoms, and were elected the King and Queen. Then as King, Beast rounded up all the villains and sidekicks and anyone else deemed evil, sending off to the isle of the lost with a magical barrier to keep them there.

Everyone knew that Wonderland was one of the eighteen kingdoms. But, people tended to forget the detail that Wonderland was the last kingdom to join the United States. By about ten years. The King of Wonderland, was torn about the matter, Knowing joining Auradon would result in his beloved wife and the Queen of Wonderland being sent away to the Isle. But, Wonderland was struggling economically, and joining Auradon could help save the kingdom.

So, After a long discussion with his wife and the other royal families of Wonderland, the King decided it was time and that Wonderland would be joining the United States of Auradon. The Queen was livid but the rest of the kingdom was overjoyed. Celebrations and parties popping up all over the kingdom.

It was a beautiful time in wonderland for most, the young daughter of the King and Queen of hearts, loving every minute of it. The Queen herself though hated every minute of the celebration waiting to be dragged away, The Cheshire cat's consent mocking not helping the matter.

The Queenie of hearts vowed revenge and her husband and the kingdom for signing away her freedom. The Queen of Hearts wanted revenge and it just so happened to fall on the Cheshire Cat. She claimed to King Beast that the Cheshire Cat was working under her the whole time and that he wanted to hurt Alice just as much as she had.

The Cheshire Cat was then deemed guilty and he along with his five-year-old daughter, Kitty, was to be sent to the Isle along with the Queen.

One matter was still to be resolved, that being what would happen to the princess. Would she go to the Isle with her mother, or stay in Wonderland with her father. King Beast left that choice to the King and Queen.

And only the King and Queen know-how the decision ended the way it did, With sending the six-year-old princess to be locked away with her mother. Where she grew up with no magic, no wi-fi, and no way out. Or so she thought.

But then this happened.


              Prince Ben, son of Belle and the Beast, and soon to be king of Auradon stared out the window of his bedroom towards the Isle of the Lost. He was being fitted by his tailor for his coronation. His newly picked royal adviser, The daughter of the White Rabbit, Weiss stood next to him going over plans on her tablet. Weiss had been told to come by Ben because he wanted her to be among the first to hear his first proclamation, He was just waiting for his parents before telling her.

"How is it possible that you're going to be crowned king next month?" King Beast said, walking into the bedroom with his wife. Ben looked away from the window towards his father, Weiss looked over to the King as well "You're just a baby."

"He's turning 16, dear," Belle said to her husband.

"Hey, pops," Ben said to his father.

"16? That's far too young to be crowned king." Beast said, walking closer to his son. Belle picking up dirty clothing as she followed him "I didn't make a good decision until I was at least 42."

"Uh," Belle said, turning to her husband "you decided to marry me at 28."

"Ah, it was either you or a teapot." Beast joked, winking at his son, who laughed "Kidding, I'm only kidding." he said, looking at the face Belle was making.

"Mom, Dad... " Ben said, attempting to step forward just to be stopped by the tailor. Weiss looked over to Ben excited to hear what he was about to say. "I've chosen my first official proclamation. I've decided that the children on the Isle of the lost be given a chance to live here in Auradon." Belle dropped the jacket she was holding in shock, Beast was exactly as shocked. Weiss let out a gasp at the news, that was not what she was expecting.

"Every time I look out to the island, I feel like they've been abandoned." Ben continued to say, moving closer to his parents. The tailor gave up at this point and just sat on the platform where Ben had been standing.

"The children of our sworn enemies? Living among us?" Beast questioned.

"We start out with a few at first, only the ones who need our help the most. I've already chosen them." Ben said.

"Have you?" Beast asked, growing angrier.

"I gave you a second chance," Belle said, trying to calm down her husband before turning back to her son. "Who are their parents?"

"Yeah Who?" Weiss asked, curiosity growing inside her as she sat down on Ben's bed.

"Cruella De Vil...Jafar...Evil Queen..." Ben paused looking away from his parents to Weiss "The Queen of Hearts..." Weiss gasped.

Ben looked back to his parents before continuing "and Maleficent." The tailor gasped.

"Maleficent!" Beast snapped "She is the worst villain in the land!"

"Dad, just hear me out here!" Ben said

"I won't hear of it." Beast cut his son off, as the Tailor bowed and felt the room, Weiss feeling slightly like she should do the same. "They are guilty of unspeakable crimes."

"Dad, their children are innocent." Ben protested "Don't you think they deserve a shot at a normal life?" Beast said nothing,

"Dad?" Ben asked. King Beast looked to Belle, Belle nodded to him agreeing with Ben.

"I suppose their children are innocent." Beast agreed, calming back down.

"Well, well done," Belle said to Ben before turning to her husband "Shall we?" with that Belle and Beast left.

"What do you think about this?" Ben asked, turning to Weiss.

Weiss swallowed, looking up at her friend "Well, um" Weiss started "I mean you may be right, but we don't know what they are doing on the Isle, or how they act, But I trust you"

"And I know everything will be fine," Ben said looking back out the window towards the Isle. "Better than fine, for the matter."

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