i bite back, just so you know (boyxboy)

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Alex (POV)

My name is Alex, im 17 years old and right now im bored out of my mind. i have two girls sitting across from me, both kinda...pretty..i suppose...if you like the whole cheerleader thing and chatting non-stop about how gorgeous i look. I know im good looking, i have dark brownish hair that is thick and kinda wavy/curly that just sits at the base of my neck, i have a nice natural tan that gives me a golden kind of look and im lean, not hench or overly muscled but strong looking and i definitely have nice abs. Im about "6"2" so im pretty tall but for some reason its always my eyes people comment on. Now i know their not average, i have two different coloured eyes but what makes it worse?? they change colour...how weird is that? i mean one minute i could have one green eye and one brown eye and the next minute one blue eye and one grey eye....but oh well...anyway these girls in front me telling me something i already know have to go. Just as im about to tell them to piss off i get a hard slap across the back of my head, i whip around intending to beat the crap out of whoever it is, instead i just sigh as i realise its my baby sis

what do you want?


she looks at me expectantly and i know all she wants is money, she's 16 and my baby sis.....i cant deny her... so i hand over £20

thank you dear brother of mine!!!!

she squeals and runs in the opposite direction, i smile and shake my head, i really do adore that brat, i mean shes all i have, after our parents died four years ago we sort of looked after eachother, we had to, growing up in a group isnt fun and i know it didnt have the best effect on her but im trying to make things better. i turn around and notice that the girls in front of me are still yapping away...im mean seriously do they have nothing better to do??. i look around where im sitting. im in the middle of the shopping centre or mall as some people call it, this means i can see everything, which is just the way i like it. i dont like surprises or people sneaking up on me (my sis excluded) in fact i hate it and it goes against my very nature..you see its not just my eyes that are strange, its also my genetics. im a changeling or werewolf, it runs in the family but the only problem is i dont have a pack and because of this neither does my sister, shes also wolf. For wolves pack is family and family is pack, i sigh again as i feel the sadness sweep over me..the loneliness. i look around again noticing gangs of younger kids just jamin, a group of college friends drinking coffee and a family of four laughing and smiling. i hate it, if my sister and i cant have it why should they?? i hate fate and people,  they annoy me and test my patience, and so are these damn little princesses who are STILL talking at me!!! i turn on them and and say

your blocking my view..move

they go quiet and look at me, like they cant believe i actually said something, then they giggle nervously. i let my wolf show in my eyes for about two seconds, they saw it and grew completely silent before grabbing their stuff and making a sharp exit. finally silence. i look around again for my sister when i catch a strange scent. its strong but not potent, almost enjoyable. its spicy and erotic all in one and it makes me wanna taste it, it also has another strange undercurrent smell, im completely curious. i follow the scent with my nose and eyes and find it coming from a boy not two yards from me. i freeze and stare at him. i cant see his face but what i can see makes my body come alive. hes lean just like me, a little smaller but not by much, and he had the greatest arse i had ever seen. with that thought came the realisation that i may actually be gay...i had never thought this but this was obviously proof. oh well. i dont really care as long as i can continue to stare at this boy for the rest of...eternity. he obviously knew someone was staring because he looked up from his phone. he turned in a slight circular movement that had me groaning and then i could see his face. my heart buckled and my hands clenched. he looked annoyed and he had a slight crease in his forehead from frowning but he was undoubtedly the most beautiful creature i had ever seen. i wanted to jump him right there and then. suck on his soft lower lip, bite and then lick, tear of every piece of offending clothing and simply turn into a mindless sex fiend. i was suprised, i had never been this.....aggresive when it came to attarction....in fact i had never been truly attracted to anyone. however i knew one thing, this boy was going to be mine and i was going make him mine as soon as i could. i smiled and i knew that it was purely animalistic, purely sexual. he was mine.

i bite back, just so you know (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now