Chapter 15: Speak Ya Clout

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It's been a week since I've seen darnell. We have texted everyday, he is starting to like it at south Crenshaw. More then he ever did in Navada. I'm struggling with not telling Spencer, and I'm really working on being able to talk to the other guys.

"Hey," I said sitting to Spencer.

"JJ grab her," Asher said and JJ picked me up.

"What the hell! Put me down!" I said in terror. 

Asher, JJ, and spencer all brought me to an empty classroom. Asher shut the door behind him and locked it.

"Please dont. I'll do anything," I said running to the far corner of the room.

Spencer stayed quiet and JJ and asher looked confused.

"Bro, we just wanted to see why you been weird around us," JJ said, and realization flash through ashers eyes.

"Everyone out. Unlock the damn door," he told them.

They both left and he came over to me and sat down a few inches away.

"I'm not going to rape you. JJ isnt going to rape you. Jordan isn't. Spencer damn sure isnt," he said.

"Logically I know that," I told him.

"Logic and fear are two different beast," he said and I nodded.

"How long?"

"About a week."


I tensed up. I didnt even tell Spencer this,"Tyrone. He threatend someone I loved if I didnt meet him."

"Call me next time. I'll go with you," he told me.

"Cant. He'd kill you," I whispered putting my head in my legs.

"Come here," he said putting his arm around me.

I tensed up, but slowly eased into the hug. I put my head on his sholder and stared at the wall.

"Who can we tell?"

"Theres too much they can use for victim shaming," I said.

"That's fucking awful."

"Can we go to class?" I asked him.

"Sure. If you want to be all responsible," asher said sarcastically and got up.

We both walked to English and sat in the back. JJ gave me a pitiful glance and I glared at Spencer. He shrugged his sholders and the lesson began. After cheer practice spenser came up to me.

"We are going to crenshaw," he said.

"You sure it's a good idea?"

"Yes, let's go," he said before hoping in the passenger seat of my car.

I rolled my eyes but drove nevertheless. We arrived at South Crenshaw and I know hes here to see his father. While he watched the practice i watched Darnell, and damn can the boy throw.

Afree the practice was over Spencer went down to see his father and I waited outside the arena.

"Hey," Darnell said coming up to me about fifteen minutes later.

"Hey. Wheres Spencer? Im his ride," I told him.

"Didnt see a Spencer. Sorry. Hey, do you want to meet at Slausons later?" He asked me.

"Yeah sure. Give me like five minutes to call him and I can drive us over," I told Darnell and he nodded.

"Where are you dumbass?" I asked as soon as picked up.

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