Chapter 24: Surgery

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(Thank you to aleahkiarra for voting)

"Olivia! Spencer!" I screamed as they started to separate us.

"Spencer! Pheonix!" Olivia screamed.

"Nix! Nix! No!" Spencer tried to sit up but they wouldn't let him.

"Please! Spencer!" I cried out.

"Shut up!" A nurse snapped.

"What is your name?" A much kinder Nurse asked.

The room was spinning. Black dots were filling my vision.  I thought I was going to pass out.

"Pheonix Scott?" I managed to get out.

"Are you in a gang?" The other nurse asked.

"She has the same last name of brandon Scott. Probably sibling. She is," the doctor said.

"N-" I passed out again.

I briefly woke up to excruciating pain. Tears flowed out of my eyes and my whole stomach looked red.

"She needs O- blood!" I heard a nurse.

"It doesnt flow from rocks!" The mean nurse said,"we dont want to waste it."

"Bitch," I mumbled, but no one heard.

"If we save a patient it isnt a waste. What ar she pain levels?" She asked.

"High!" I screamed feeling another searing pain.

"Take this?" She said giving me a narcotic.

"Here," the nice nurse said bringing it to my lips.

I drank the drug waiting for the pain to subside. I felt myself drifting again.

I woke up some time later. The nice nurse from earlier still in here. She was smiling at me.

"Is Olivia here?" I asked her.

"No, there is a boy. Cam I believe, " she said.

"He will work. I need to see him," I said to her.

"I can only let you see him if hes your brother," she said to me.

"Cams my brother. Get him in here please!" I cried out near the end becuase of pain.

She nodded and left. I grabbed my stomach as tears fell from my eyes. Being shot hurts like hell.

"Hey, are you okay? Dumb question, " I he said walking in.

"Preach- stop him," I mumbled the pain getting worse.

"Nix, are you okay?" He noticed my pain.

"Hurts like hell! Stop preach! Gang war!" I screamed out.

"Ahhhh!" It was getting worse.

"Nurse!" Cam yelled.

"Hurts!" I scream.

She lifted my gown and I saw my stomach was red with puss coming out of the wound.

"Cam please!" I yell as they usher him out.

"I got you!" He yelled back.

The started to work on my stomach. Cleaning it. The pain was getting unbearable and I was screaming so much my throat hurt.

"Can we get her to shut up!" The mean  nurse snapped.

"Her levels must be off the chart!" The nice nurse snapped back.

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