Chapter 21: Dates and Competitions

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"When is the tombstone coming?" Dillion asked us.

"Soon little man. Shawn's didnt come for about a month after," I told him.

"Once its here we can come as much as you like," spencer told him.

"I can tell ya stories about your pops," he told dillion.

"Yeah, we could go on a fishing trip. Teach Nix how to fish," Spencer said.

"You can tell us stories!" Dillion said.

"What ever you want," darnell told him.

"I have to get to my gymnastics class. I will see you guys later though," I said hugging the boys and kissing Dillion on the forehead.

Time skip- her class

"Hey," I said to my coach.

"You have really excelled here. Your background in cheer and doing gymnastics up until you were sixteen is paying off. Why did you quit in the first place?" He asked me.

"My brothers death. I wanted to quit cheer to, but I decided to keep it up," I told him.

"Okay, well I'm entering you in a state competition for floor. I think you could do well. You will perform the floor routine we have been working on. Its after your celebration for winning state," he told me.

"Okay. Thank you," I told him.

"How are doing with the most recent death?"

"Its another death, sir," was all I said.

"Just get to work," he said and i started to practice my floor routine for the end of the week.

After i got done, i went to be with Preach.

"How ya holding up?"

"Its another death," I said grabbing some pudding from the fridge.

"I think you need to do something to move on. Get your mind off of this. Have you gone on that date with Darnell?"

"You want me to go on a date?"

"Not really, but it will help. You deserve to be a normal teenager who isnt facing a death at every turn of her life," he said.

"I'll go see him. I guess you may be right. I Dont know what I'd do without you," I said before grabbing my keys.

I drove over to his house listening to some cody Christian. When I arrived I knocked on the the door. He invited me in.

"So, i have a question," he said sitting next to me on his bed.


"Am I ever going to get that date?" He asked me with his signature smirk.

"That's what I came over here to ask," I said with a smile.

"Okay. How about this. The day before you competition, your at Preachs. I'll knock on the door, pray he doesnt shoot me before I can pick you up, and I take you on an amusement park date," he said.

"I think it sounds like fun. I'll see you then," I said.

"Now we have Spencer's ranking party," he said grabbing my hand.

We walked to Grace's house and came in.

"What did you get?" I asked jumping on Spencer back.

"Fifty-six," he told me.

"Damn, maybe you do got potential. Colleges will be hitting you up!" I congratulated.

"Thank you nix," he said and dropped me in a chair.

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