
3.9K 112 30

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chapter five.
episode three.
songs: none.

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A few days later, Camila finds herself walking into Mckinley High holding hands happily with her boyfriend. The couple makes their way to Camila's locker so she can grab her textbook for first period, but when they get there Santana is standing there waiting.

Camila smiles softly at her best friend when they make eye contact, noticing briefly how the other girl glares at Jack. "Hi, San!" She says happily, letting go of her boyfriend's hand so she can twist the combination into her locker.

"Hey, Camz. Collins."

The shortest of the three looks back at the Titan to see his response, only to find him glaring back at her best friend. She tilts her head slightly in confusion, brown eyes narrowed as she tries to find out why exactly they are both acting the way they are.

"What's up? You're normally not here this early."

Santana nods, breaking her staring contest with Jack. "Britt said she had a meeting with Coach Sylvester so I wanted to walk with you."

Camila grins happily. "That's sweet."

"Yeah, but I got it." Jack interrupts.

Both girls turn to the football player who looks extremely annoyed with the situation.

The taller Cheerio raises an eyebrow. "Oh really? Isn't your class on the other side of the school?"

"So what?"

"Okay." Camila takes a step forward, standing in between the two. "Can we please not fight right now? It's 7:30 in the morning."

Santana swallows harshly but she nods nonetheless and goes back to leaning against a locker. Jack doesn't say anything, continuing to glare at her.

Camila reaches up and places a hand on his cheek, gaining his attention. "Santana's right. Your class is in the opposite direction of mine. I'll see you later, okay?"

Jack's resentment toward the idea is prominent due to the pursing of his lips, but he doesn't fight her. He leans down and kisses the girl, making sure to make eye contact with Santana who glares right back. After he pulls away, he fixes the bow headband on her head and turns and walks down the hallway.

"Is there a reason why you guys hate each other?" Camila asks, raising an eyebrow at the taller girl. "Did you guys date or hook up or something before I moved here?"

Santana scoffs at the accusation and she shakes her head. "Absolutely not."

"Then why is it that the two of you always look like you're going to kill each other?"

"You deserve better." She says nonchalantly, holding out her pinky for the other girl to intertwine her's in.

Camila rolls her eyes but she links her pinkies nonetheless. "I love him, San. Like a lot."

"I know."


Later, Camila stands in between Brittany and Santana in the choir room. The Glee Club has been preparing for Sectionals for the past week or so and Coach Sylvester's plan to take down said club has just started to take place. Earlier that day, Quinn and Santana pulled Rachel aside and told her about Dakota Stanley, a man that happened to be choreographing Vocal Adrenaline—the amazing show choir at Carmel High School—and how he was their only way of winning.

While Dakota Stanley is an amazing choreographer, he is also extremely brutal and harsh, and Quinn is certain that if they get him to choreograph the Glee Club, he would force every member to quit. If the New Directions loses all their members the Glee Club won't exist anymore.

Camila's eyebrows furrow at the dance moves that Will is making them do, but she goes along with it anyways. Brad—the guy who somehow is always there to play the piano—begins pressing the keys and Will turns around, getting ready to teach the dance moves again.

"Five, six, seven, eight. Step and step." Everyone shuffles along with him and claps. "Step and step. And turn it around." He makes a twirling motion with his hand and everyone just continues to do exactly what he says. "Down-" Another clap. "-and up. And hit, hit..." Everyone throws their hands up. "Down..." They bend over. "Hit."

Before anyone can do anything else, Rachel stops everyone. "Can we stop, please?"

The piano cuts out and Will turns around with an exasperated look on his features. "You don't have to ask me every time for permission to go to the bathroom, Rachel. You can just go." He turns his back towards the class, but Rachel speaks up again.

"It's not my bladder. It's the choreography."

The teacher's eyebrows furrow and he begins looking annoyed. "Okay, what's wrong with the choreography?"

"We can't compete with Vocal Adrenaline with these steps. You're a great vocal coach, Mr. Schue, but you're not a..." Rachel pauses, obviously trying to find the right wording. "Trained choreographer. That's what we need to be the best." She looks around at the other Glee Club members for support, but no one says anything. "We need Dakota Stanley."

"He understudied for the candelabra in Beauty in the Beast." Santana points out.

Will sighs. "Just because he understudied doesn't mean he ever performed."

Quinn finally steps up, the casual evil HBIC smirk stretches her lips as she defends Rachel. "Did you ever perform, Mr. Schuester?" She asks despite already knowing the answer. "After high school. Did you even try?"

He doesn't answer and when the bell rings, signifying the end of the period, he continues to stay silent. The Cheerios leave the room first and after they get out of the view of the other members, high five each other.

"Now we've just got to get everyone to agree on it," Camila says with a tiny smile.

She hates the idea of ruining a club that people worked so hard to bring back up, but she also can't afford to get kicked off of the Cheerios either. Being on the Cheerios not only allows her to get out of the suffocating emptiness of her house, but it also helps out with scholarships for college when she graduates. Unfortunately, if that means going against her gut and listening to Sue, so be it.

Brittany giggles. "Which is gonna be so easy."

Quinn nods in agreement with both of their statements. "And then everything can get back to normal. I'll get Finn back and we'll be back to where we were before."

"Yep." Camila nods eagerly. "Everything'll be back to normal soon enough."

Too bad she didn't actually believe that.

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