Chapter 7

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That night...

Jughead Pov:
I rested my head against the headboard of the bed, scrolling through my phone as I contemplated whether or not to wait for Betty before I go to sleep. I looked up, the door slowly creaking open to reveal the tear stained cheeks of that very blonde, her looking down at her feet, unaware of the fact that I was still awake.

"You okay, Elizabeth?", I asked, startling her as her head shot up. "I-Um, yeah. Not that it's any of your business, or that you care.", she responded coldly. I twinged with slight guilt at the thought. I mean, yeah, I was still mad at her, but I wasn't heartless. I decided to let it go as she wished, heavily sighing as I slid further under the covers and closed my eyes. I heard her sobs being muffled by her pillow as I drifted off to sleep.

The next morning...

The birds chirped outside as I heard dishes clanging together below. I groaned, looking at the alarm clock on my bedside table; 10:24 a.m. I forced myself out of bed, remembering that this is our first full day with Lola. I rubbed my eyes as I slowly walked to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and getting myself ready for the day.

Once I was done preparing myself, I made my way to Lola's room. I opened her door to find her bed empty and perfectly made. A soft chuckle came out of me. Betty really hasn't changed at all, has she? Still the perfectionist. My grin morphed into a frown, the thought of our past haunting me once more.

I trudged down the stairs, turning my head to spot Lola sitting on the sofa, holding a bowl of cereal as she was distracted by whatever tv show was turned on for her. I walked over to her, resting a hand on her head. She jolted a little, startled by the sudden and unexpected contact. She began to shake, looking up at me with tears in her eyes. "Hey! Hey, it's okay. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, Baby. It's okay. You eat your food and watch tv, okay?", I said, stroking her hair as she calmed down again.

I stepped back again, making my way to the kitchen to get my own breakfast, biting my lower lip. This is going to be a lot harder than expected. Lola is so on-edge, but I can't blame her. Poor girl, I thought before I lifted a waffle from the plate, turning to Betty and mumbling a "thank you". She nodded in response, turning back to her own plate. We sat in an unbearable silence that I felt the need to break.

"Hey... Um. Are you sure you were okay last night? I know we're not... in the best place, but I'm not a heartless monster, and we need to figure out how to work together. If not for our sake, for Lola's.", I said. She looked up briefly, rolling her eyes before looking back down, fumbling with her waffle. "As I said last night, I'm fine, but I'm sorry for being so rude about it last night. And I think we should learn to tolerate each other, too. For the sake of the household.", she mumbled. I offered her a light smile, her meeting me half-way with a half-smile.

Betty Pov:
I didn't really know why I was so snappy with him. None of it was his fault, and yet I was still so angry at him for being angry at me. It wasn't fair, and I knew that, but I guess I was just so filled with guilt that I couldn't bare the thought of hurting him again, not that I ever had a chance of getting back together with him.

I might tell him that he has another daughter someday, but I have no idea how. It would crush him. I knew now that he wouldn't have abandoned me. Wow. I was so foolish. I shook my head as tears threatened to reform. I could tell that Jug continued to worry about me, without having to look up from my food. I could feel his energy. I was just hoping that I could circumvent this one little dilemma of mine, and learn to get along with Jug.

Things will get more interesting later on, I promise. 👁👄👁

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