Chapter 15

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The next morning...

Betty Pov:
The sunlight, faint and feeble, peeked through the blinds of the window as I woke, trying to gather my bearings. I hadn't fallen asleep in my bedroom. I fell asleep on the cold tile of the bathroom floor, nestled up against... oh my God. I came to realize that Jug must've managed to coax me to sleep, carrying me upstairs. I could feel myself flushing, the temperature of the atmosphere around me rising. I turned onto my stomach burying my head into my pillow out of embarrassment.

My self-pity was cut short when the door creaked audibly, the sound of small feet pattering against the floor beneath. The bed dipped, and the tiny body of a young girl flopped down onto my back, her arms wrapping tightly around my middle as if I were to slip away at any moment. I grunted at the sudden, though small, weight, the sweet sound of Lola's giggled ringing through the air in response.

I rolled over once again, this time on my side as I faced her. A grin stretched across her face before she leaned forward slowly, placing both of her baby-soft hands on my cheeks. "G'morning, Mommy!", she exclaimed cheerfully, pulling a grin to my own face. I pulled her against me, cuddling her as I offered a sleepy "good morning" in response. The added pressure to my arms didn't help the cuts, but I bit back the stinging pain for her sake. She laid still for a few moments before beginning to wriggle, being the toddler that she was. She abruptly shot up, her face glowing with excitement.

"Can we go in the rain today?", she asked, gasping at the idea. I glanced outside, the sun still shining brightly, the sky clear. I looked back at her, a guilty look on my face. "I'm sorry, Baby. It's not raining today. But as soon as it does, we can go out, okay?", I suggested. She seemed to ponder this, her eyes exhibiting clear disappointment, but a trace of hope. She could never truly be sad, her being the gleeful child that she was. "That's okay, Mommy.", she determined. "Can we go wake up Daddy now?".

My eyes widened, flashbacks from the night before crossing my mind. My cheeks burned red as my breath hitched slightly, Lola examining me with worry, which was soon replaced with her signature light-hearted smile as soon as she realized what my display really implied. She squealed, giggles following as she hopped out of bed, rushing out the door before I even sat up.

I had eventually made my way downstairs, my eyes immediately drawn to the sight of Lola curled up on top of Jug, her head nestled against his neck as he rubbed her back sleepily. Their breathing was tranquil, Jug's chest lifting her up and down slowly. His eyes opened unhurriedly once he heard the stairs creaking, them meeting mine immediately. They were filled with a blend of intricate emotions. Concern, tenderness, and one that I hadn't seen in a long, long time; passion. Genuine longing.

Very much to my surprise, he extended a comforting hand out to me, welcoming me to join their embrace. I hesitated before moseying over. He sat up steadily, Lola still wrapped around him, patting a spot next to him groggily. I gifted him a thankful smile, mouthing "Thank you" to him, both for his kindness now and the might before. He returned a sad smile, his thoughts seemingly in unison with my own as he hesitantly wrapped an arm around my torso. I stiffened before nuzzling into his side, grateful and cheery from his new, yet somewhat expected solace.

I rested my cheek on top of Lola's head, Jug's carefully resting on mine. Inhaling deeply, I absorbed the thrill and quietude of the moment; the rediscovered joy that I had missed for so long. I fought against getting my hopes up, trying my hardest to be grateful for his care and affection all while remembering that it was all part of his nature. I let those thoughts whisk away from my mind, my arms entrapping Lola as I pulled her closer once more.

Maybe this would work. Maybe this could become the new normal for us. For me. Who knew? Anything was possible. I allowed a smile to crawl across my face as I realized that this was the first time that I had experienced true hope and joy since this all started. Despite the previous night, I was at peace. The world was at peace. I could only hope that it would remain.

Happiness looks good on her, don't you think? 🥰

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