Chapter 25

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That day...

Jughead Pov:
Work was fun, yes, but it seemed to drag on and on that day. I urged myself to stay at the register instead of leaving earlier, rushing home to see my two beautiful girls. I wanted to hear Lola giggled as a I kissed Betty soundly. I longed to cause breathy moans to escape from her pretty pink lips as I drive her crazy like I used to, sucking and tracing soft kisses down her body-

"Jughead? You okay? You seem distracted.". My head shot up from my hands, my eyes meeting with those of my boss'. "Yeah- Uh... Sorry, Sir. I'm fine. Yeah, I'm alright. Sorry, I'm just-"

"Thinking about someone?", he questions, a smirk written on his face. I blushed, clearing my throat. "Mhm. Yeah. My... well, you know Betty Cooper? The girl that I'm paired with for the social experiment?".

He nodded in understanding, recalling the day our names were announced about a month ago. "Yeah. Well, she's my ex-girlfriend - no, she WAS my ex-girlfriend. We... got back together last night.", I responded, unsure whether this was something to be embarrassed about, but I soon realized that it didn't matter. We loved each other; that's all that mattered.

His eyes filled with joy. "Well, I'm very happy for you, Jughead. I don't think I've ever seen you this joyful since you started working here, what is it, 5 years ago now? You were 17, looking for a part time job while you went to school. Poor kid, all on your own so young.".

I bit my lip, but shook off the feeling of sadness. It wasn't there anymore. I was happy again. I got her back. "That was after she broke up with me. She was all I had left. My dad kinda left me soon after, once I... fell into my rough patch post-breakup. But I've never been happier!", I exclaimed, truthfully, might I add. He gave me an approving pat on the back. "I'm happy for you, kid." was all he said, and then it was back to work for me.

2:30 finally rolled around, and I could finally go home to see my loves. LOVES! PLURAL! I sighed contently, daydreaming about Betty and Lola the entire way home.

They were there to greet right what I arrived back home. Lola took her turn first when I unlocked the door, her head spinning towards me from her toys on the floor. She jumped up, running and throwing herself onto me. I gave her a tight hug, patting her head and setting her down just in time as I saw Betty sprinting from the kitchen.

She leaped onto me, jumping up and wrapping her legs around my waist. I caught her, stumbling back in surprise as she kissed me soundly, her hands grasping the back of my neck as she played with the hair at the nape of it, adrenaline rushing through my veins. We pulled away after a moment.

"I was only gone for a few hours, Babe.", I chuckled.
She glared at me, though wasn't successful at keeping up that game. A playful smile crept onto her face as she brushed the hair off of my forehead.
"I still missed you...", she whispered innocently, pouting her lower lip.

I couldn't miss this opportunity. Forgetting that Lola was still in the room, observing us, I bit her bottom lip that stuck out. Betty gasped, and I slipped my tongue slowly into her mouth. It had been so long since I'd done that. Her tongue danced with mine, exploring every corner of my mouth like she had done ages ago.

I moaned quietly at the sensation, considering I hadn't had her tongue in my mouth for so long. That moan turned into a groan when she abruptly pulled away, quickly missing the contact. Confused, I followed her gaze to the side.

Lola stared in utter disbelief, clearly conflicted with not knowing whether she should be repulsed or jumping for joy at our closeness. Her face screwed up, a mix of emotions painted onto her tiny cheeks.

I set Betty down, glancing back at her as if to ask what we should do. She did the same. Welp. What the fuck do we do now? Lola suddenly bursted into a fit of giggles, rolling on the floor as she clutched her stomach. I sighed with relief, kneeling down beside her and shaking her playfully, placing a long kiss to her cheek as Betty did the same to the other cheek.

She then cut off her laughter, her gaze jumping between the two of us. "Why can't I get kisses like the one that you just gave each other? They look nice.". Betty almost choked on the water that she was drinking, me snorting in shock. "U-Um, because only Mommys and Daddys get to have those kisses, Honey.", Betty blurted. I eyed her a teasing look, as if to say "Nice save". She rolled her eyes playfully.

"You'll see when you get older, Lola. Don't worry.", I reassured. This seemed to be enough of an answer for her. Hallelujah. She insisted that we all play "Tea Party" with her. Us, being the wonderful parents that we were, complied, and we spent the rest of the afternoon happy as could be.

Writers block 🥴🥴

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