Three Buffoons

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Demetria's P.O.V.:

"Okay," Tim says. "So what you're telling me is that nothing interesting has happened in any of your classes?" He takes a bite of his tuna sandwich in which Alfred had taken the liberty of making. "And that's all. Nothing else? You guys didn't kill someone or anything?"

I take a bit of the chocolate-chip muffin that Tim had bought me from the serving area of the room. And might I say, it's not bad.

"A lot has happened," Damian says, taking a bite of the sandwich that Aldred had made us.

"Elaborate!" he complains. "I'm your older brother. I wanna know how your first day of school went!"

"Oh! I know, something interesting that happened! We got offered to participate in some art competition!" I exclaim with a smile. "We also learned all about the fundamentals behind the art! It was interesting!"

"Really?" Tim says, chuckling. "Looks like you had fun."

"And Dami and I have a project for our English class."

"What's it about?"

"Uh. Something about writing a story. We got pairs and Damian and I are working together on it."

"Okay. Anything else?"

"Dee had an argument with a teacher," Dami answers nonchalantly, taking another bite of his sandwich.

"A fight?" he asks, putting his sandwich down and staring at me wide-eyed. "Like a fistfight?"

"Tch. No. That was in Gym with the sorry excuses of homo sapiens," I correct, grabbing my sandwich from the bag that Alfred had stuffed into our bags, and retrieving the sandwich.

"You fought someone?!" he exclaims.

"Not me," I answer with a mouth full of tuna. I point to Damian who currently faces deep into his sandwich. "It was him."

"How did you get into the fight?!" he exclaims.

"I thought you wanted to know about the teacher argument first?" I ask him.

"I—Fine. Tell me about you arguing with some teacher."

"Well," I say. "It was actually multiple teachers, but not all of them are teachers."

"What do you mean that not all of them are teachers?" he asks, confusion written on his face.

"Shhh," I tell him. "We shall explain. What period was it that it had started, Dami?"

"Math class. The second period," he answers, taking a sip of water from his bottle.

"Second period?" Tim asks. "That early?"

"At least it wasn't first," Damian says, pointing out the positives.

"Sure. And then what happened in, second period, math?"

"Idiots don't know how to do simple math," I growl. "I just showed him how to properly do it, he kept denying my answer until I had to guide him step by step, like an infant."

"We told you that some of these teachers don't know what they're doing."

"Tch. We didn't believe that they would be this stupid," Damian comments.

"These people have a bigger ego than you, Damian," he says, pointing to him. "And they like to show it off."

"There isn't enough room in this world for multiple egotistical people," he says.

"Are you implying that you're going to kill them off one by one?" I ask him.

"Will you help me?"

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