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Demetria's P.O.V.:

"Hey, babe!"

Damian and I turn our heads, snapping towards the annoyingly familiar voice. Walking through the door is one of the three buffoons. A wide smile plants itself on his face as he enters the room, growing even wider when seeing Damian and me. Upon their entrance, the class begins to whisper about them, some even throwing compliments that I had wished that I had not heard.

"Babe?" Wilkes asks. He looks at Scope and then to me, cocking his eyebrow. "Are you two suddenly dating?"

"Dating?!" I exclaim, taken off guard by the question.

"Yeah," he says. "Like a relationship. Boyfriend and girlfriend, ya know. Kissy-kiss, smooch-smooch?"

"No," I answer. "What makes you think that?"

"As if she would end up with someone like that. Let alone, be even allowed to conjure some type of relationship.

"He called you babe," he says, pointing to the smiling Scope approaching us.

"We just met him today," I remind him. "And practically beat him up."

"That was all in the past," Scope says, approaching us. He reaches us and pushes Wilkes off of his seat, sending him to the floor. With the seat next to me, now empty, he occupies it by sitting down. "Didn't know we had music together." He leans back in his chair, twisting his body towards me, putting one leg over the other while resting his arm on the back of the chair. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Maybe she's not interested," Wilkes mutters while getting up.

"Shut it, kid," he scowls at Wilkes, kicking him back down.

Wilkes falls upon impact, knocking into the group of kids nearby, knocking some chairs and music stands in the process.

My eyes widen at the sight, gasping at the sudden actions. As I try to contain myself from twisting this kid's head, the rest of the class begins to point and laugh at Wilkes. I get up from my seat and quickly walk over to him, helping him up. "Are you ok—"

"I'm fine," he says, pushing himself back up. Standing up, he smiles at me. "Nothing I can't handle."

"Settle down, children!" a voice says, interrupting us.

I turn my head to find a rather tall man with a potbelly, walking in with a cup of coffee. His white hair is slicked back, staying in one position as he struts all the way to his desk. His blue checkered, button-up shirt is rolled up to his elbows, neatly tucked into his khaki pants.

"I see that we have a new student," he says looking at me. He then looks down at his desk, picking up a piece of paper and reading it. His eyes go wide, putting the paper down. "My apologies. We have two new students. Please come to the front to introduce yourselves."

All heads turn towards Damian and me in an instant. Giving us no way to hide within the crowd to try and prevent us from standing in front of all these students.

"We don't have all day," he says. "Let's go."

Damian and I look at each other and then make our way to the front of the class. Calmly making our way over to the front, we avoid all eye contact while trying to ignore the whispers and murmurs. And might I say, it's pretty hard, especially since the majority of these people don't know how to whisper.

Reaching the front, Damian and I turn around, facing the class with a bored expression on our faces.

"Why don't you two introduce yourselves to the class?" he says, rummaging through his desk for something.

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