Chapter 12

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Trevor's POV

I'm hard as a fucking rock. I have never had a boner so big in my entire 22 years of living. It can't be safe to be this hard. She's sitting next to me in my truck and I want to rip the sweatpants off of her body and claim what's mine.

Turning her down was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. But, I know that it's going to be worth it in the end. She needs more time, and I might want some to, just to make sure what I'm thinking is right but, I know I'm my gut that I care for her, a lot.

"Will you text my mom real quick? She wanted to know when ere were going home" I say while handing Avery my phone while driving. Home, my home is her home, our home.

"Um, yeah. You want me too?" She asks while looking at it in my palm.

"Yeah, just find her name in the contacts" I say while looking out of the window at the stop sign.

"Okay, I texted her" she says while sitting it down. "Oh wait can you go to the hotel? I need to get my parents picture and my bag" she says while looking over at me with her beautiful orbs.

"Yeah, which one?" I say as I click the screen for navigation. "Hilton, it was the only one that had rooms available" she says while glaring at me with those beautiful eyes.

"Alright" I say as my phone starts ringing and my truck shows my moms name on the display. I click answer button as she says "Hey honey!"

"Hi mom, what's up?" I ask while looking over at Avery watching the cars pass by.

"So, I want to come and check on Avery, she needs help and I want to" my mom says as I smile, I'm glad she cares about her like I do.

"How do you feel about that?" I ask Avery as she turns her head.

"Hey Mrs. Kingston, you can come, I'd love to see you" she says as I hear my mom shout "I am not old! Do not call me Mrs. Kingston! I'm Ellie or mom and you best call me that, I won't tolerate disrespect!" she says while laughing.

"Okay, yes ma'am" she says while laughing back at my mom. She hated being called Mrs. Kingston, she said she loves her last name but she feels like my grandmother when people call her that. I don't understand how she'd rather be called grandma or mom though.

"So I'll be there in about thirty minutes, I might bring your father, he's not doing anything but paperwork anyway" she says as I say "Yes ma'am".

"Bye I love you" she says as I say a quick "I love you too mom" while she hangs up.

"You love her a lot don't you" Avery says while placing her elbow on my console armrest. "Yes, she's an awesome mom. My dad's my best friend though, minus Connor" I say to her as she smiles.

A few minutes later I pull up at the Hilton, as she grabs her small key card out of her bag on the floor of the truck. I open her door and help her out as she accidentally falls into my arms.

"Who's the clumsy one now?" I ask while lifting her into my arms and shutting the door. I feel her hands latch onto my neck as she says "You are a big mean asshole" while laughing at me.

I kiss her forehead as she smiles at me. I fucking love this. "What number, what floor?" I ask as I make it to the elevator with her in my arms. "423, four" she says as I hit the button while holding her.

"How do you not get tired of carrying me?" She ask while running her hand through my hair.

"You are light, speaking of I think we should weigh you and then give you a certain amount of calories each day to help you gain weight healthy, I'm thinking a pound a week" I rasp out to her.

Trevor's Trust (Kingston Series #3) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now