Chapter 31

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Avery's POV

I'm so happy here, with Tatum, Ellie, Eliza, Tayson, and Sadie and then it hits me. As I feel the makeup artist, Cammy placing makeup on my face I feel it. I hate the way it looks, I picked out something horrible, and I feel it.

I don't know how or why but, as I see Tayson, Sadie and Tatum put on their dresses it hits me. I see Ellie put on her beautiful dress, and then Eliza puts on her big princess gown, and it hits me again.

The sadness, the fear, the pain, everything. My parents.

I miss my mom and dad, they should be here. I feel the tears leave my eyes as I look at my awful face, she did exactly what I asked but, it doesn't look like me, I look horrible. She tries to make it better while wiping my tears away and reapplying the fake lashes but, it doesn't work, I look like a mess.

I ask "Can I have a minute?" as she nods and looks at my face covered in tears. She has to know that I don't like what I picked out. This is what I get for picking out the most makeup covered face look as possible, I thought Trevor would like it like this but, I hate it. I look the worst I have ever looked in makeup.

I look over at Tatum with tears in my eyes as I run out of the room and to the secluded bedroom across the hall, I think that this was if we were going to spend the night but, I honestly just want a moment to myself.

Once I shut the door, I fall apart. I feel the pain in my chest and the loss all over again. This feels like the day that I lost them, it feels like the day my world crashed, and I wanted to die too.

"Avery" I hear Tatum say as she knocks on the door and opens it as I sit on the bed. I look over at her as she holds Eliza in her arms. Her pregnant belly is showing a little, and that makes me happy but, sad. I'm still not pregnant, and I don't know why.

"I can't do this" I tell her as her face drops. She quickly drops Eliza to her side and tells her to go back into the room, as she walks in and shuts the door behind her.

"Why can't you do this?" she asks while sitting next to me. Her dress looks beautiful, and I'm glad the color turned out like I prayed it would.

"You look so good" I tell her as she smiles and wipes my tears and makeup.

"Don't worry about it, I'm taking it off anyway" I tell her as her face drops again. "Avery-" she goes to tell me as I stop her. "I miss my parents, can I see Trevor? He's the only one I want to talk to about this." I ask as she helps me stand and nods. I cry into my shaking hand as she rubs my back and helps me up without falling.

"How about we go take this off first?" she motions to the mess on my face while wiping away more tears. I nod as we walk back into the hallway, into the room and to the bathroom. She motions to the chair as I sit down and clean my face, Cammy starts again as I continue crying, I can't control it, I feel my body shaking again.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this right now" I tell her as she sighs and walks over to the vanity. "Is it me? Do you not like what I did? I did what you liked" she says while watching the tears fall.

"No, no. I told you to do this and I made that mistake, I asked for this, and now I hate it. I think it's too much, with my parents gone and everything, I'm just messed up. Can I just have a minute?" I ask her and Tatum as they walk out of the room and I lock the door.

I instantly let my tears fall freely as I cry into my palms. This was supposed to be the best day of my life and now it's a shit show. I can't stop crying, I'm an emotional mess and I look horrible, what else could go wrong? My dress be to tight? It's a size six because it was cut small and I had to go up two sizes, but what if it doesn't fit? What am I going to do?

Trevor's Trust (Kingston Series #3) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now