Chapter 24

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Avery's POV

I sigh as I bend down and pick up the huge box of shoes. Tatum ordered inventory last week and luckily for me Trevor and I decided to come back Monday before I started college, and now I'm here doing inventory with Tatum.

Eliza is with Ellie so I don't have her cute little giggles to entertain me either. The shoes in this box probably will be for the next five hours though.

My classes were surprisingly good. I really enjoyed my lectures and I made a few friends. I had class this morning but, I'm off for the rest of the day.

My biggest laugh though was from Trevor yesterday morning. He woke me up with breakfast, packed my bag and textbooks and then he drove me to class yelling "Have a great day baby!" as loud as possible. I was so fucking embarrassed as people recognized who he and I were and immediately came up to him asking for pictures. After he took what felt like a picture with every girl on campus he kissed me long and hard before tapping my butt and driving off as I got daggers shot at my head from every direction.

I loved being with him all weekend though. All we did was walk down the beach, play with the seagulls, as I made a friend with one who really liked me and have sex, the whole time. It was perfect, it was just us and I feel like I know him so much more now. We talked, we really talked about any and everything and I know so much more about him now. It was amazing and I'm lucky that he decided to take me there.

"Hey, I brought lunch before our live!" Tatum yells as I set the box down in the storage room. I love that I can lift them up so easily now. I walk over to the small kitchen to see two salads and two mango juices, she's always bringing different stuff for me to try but most of it's good so I don't mind.

"Thank you!" I say as I sit down to eat in front of her. She places a gigantic cookie cake in front of me a second later that has Congratulations written across the front.

What am I getting Congratulated on? I started school this week but other than that I haven't done anything special.

"What's this for? I'm not pregnant, I'm not engaged and I haven't graduated yet." I state out to her as she rolls her eyes.

She then smiles and hands me a letter. Not just any letter though a letter from Sports Illustrated.

"Tatum, what did you do?" I ask as I look at the letter than has my name written on it. She smiles and places her hand over her mouth as I look down to read it.

What shocks me the most is that it says, Thank you for your submission in the Sports Illustrated bikini cover girl magazine competition.

"You entered me into Sports Illustrated?!" I yell out at her as she smiles.

"Do you remember the string bikini you had to model for the spring coming up? Do you remember how particular I was in the color, shape, and the way that you looked in it?" she asks me as I connect the dots. Who in their right mind models bikinis in December? I should have know she was up to something a month ago.

"Why did you do this?" I ask as she hands the letter to me again as it had slipped out of my hands.

"Read it" she says as I sigh and look down at it. Once I read the first two lines my breath stops. They want me to be on the cover. I have a photo shoot in a March, in the Gulf of Mexico and if my cover gets picked out of the selection of females, I win. According to this though I have a very good chance of being on the cover, very good.

Trevor's Trust (Kingston Series #3) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now