Chapter 20

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Avery's POV

It's Christmas morning, and I'm so excited but, nervous at the same time. I haven't celebrated Christmas in so long. Last night Trevor and I ate dinner while watching a Christmas movie, and then we had sex under the Christmas tree by the fireplace, it was magical.

I love him so, so much and I'm finally to the point that I can see myself with him forever. I know that I agreed to marry him two weeks ago, but I can finally say that my answer would be yes. I fully trust him now, and I care about him more than me. I think I knew I was more than in love with him when he put fuzzy socks on my feet and then rubbed my legs in his lap. We were just watching Elf and I knew. He was quoting the movie while simultaneously rubbing my legs under his hands and I knew. I was laughing so hard at him, and he even moved me to his lap so he could play in my hair and I loved it.

He's proved to me how much he cares about me these last weeks and he hasn't forced me to do anything, he just loves and supports me no matter what, I'm lucky I found him. I love him.

We have our court case in a week, and Garrett was arrested a few days ago by the police, not Trevor's investigators, they found him though. He was in a gas station trying to steal more money, my only question is why it took them that long? I'm not complaining though, at least I know he is being held right now and that I don't have a massive target on my back.

I slowly look up from my sleep on Trevor's chest to see him still fully asleep with his mouth wide open. He looks like a god while he sleeps, his arm is around me and on my butt while his other hand is holding my stomach. I don't want to wake him though so I quickly but slowly lift my naked body from his naked body.

It's 8 A.M. now, and we have to be at his parent's house at noon for the whole family to see each other. That's why I'm so nervous, from what I have been told they are nice though. His grandparents are kind from the few times I have spoken to him, his aunt Sage and Uncle's Noah, and Tucker were very kind as well. I'm just not sure how much his sister Tayson and brother Turner and his wife Sadie will like me.

I feel bad for Tayson though, Trevor told me about her and Connor and she doesn't know that he and I know. She's been avoiding him, and I just want to get to know her before the family drama could start but, I have a feeling it won't happen today, at least not with Ellie around.

I lift his arm from my stomach and slip a pillow under it, as I feel him move and grip my harder into his chest. He then turns over and snuggles his head into the crook of my neck. Damn, how am I going to get up and get breakfast made?

I feel him grip my hip in one hand as he pushes himself into me. I feel his hardness behind me as he pushes it into my ass. He's still fast asleep though. He's always horny, he always wants to have sex, every single morning it seems like, he must want some of my cookie for Christmas.

He's not getting any though, we have a big day and every time we have sex it turns into hours at a time. I try lifting his arm again and manage to get it off of me and I almost slip out until he grips my hip and pushes his dick into my butt again.

"Don't get up" he says as I feel him breathe on my neck. He grips my hip "Merry Christmas, Mrs. Future Kingston".

Every since we had that talk that's all he calls me, it's like he knows I'm going to say yes. I might trick him just because he says this so much though.

"Okay, Mr. Calhoun" I tell him laughing. Since he decided to call me that, I decided to call him Mr. Calhoun, I wouldn't mind if we switched it up and he took mine instead.

"No, Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Kingston" he says as I smile and turn over to his face. "Merry Christmas baby" I tell him as I kiss his forehead.

I slip out of the covers before he can grab me and put on one of his huge shirts and some socks because my feet are cold, I always go to sleep and wake up with cold toes. I smile at him completely naked as I walk out of the bedroom door and downstairs.

Trevor's Trust (Kingston Series #3) ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ