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Greyson got a call from Kayden as he was working and rushed home when he was told that Levi ran away and Elijah had locked the door to their room, refusing to let anyone in.

He went way above the speed limit, but if any cops pulled him over, he could use his power of persuasion to get them to leave him alone so he could get to Elijah. It had been a long time since Elijah had broken down and had a fit, but from the sounds of it he was deep in one of his spells and wouldn't be able to compose himself.

Greyson sprinted through the mansion to his and Elijah's room, but the door was locked.

"Baby, it's me," Greyson called through the door, his heart shattering as he heard Elijah sobbing on the other side of the door. "I need you to open the door for me, Elijah."

"N-No!" Elijah screamed, and Greyson heard the mirror in their room shatter and a thump as Elijah fell to the ground and cried even harder. "Go away!"

Greyson knew he couldn't use any powers on Elijah. They wouldn't work as well as they would on humans and he would never try to control his beloved. He needed to use words to get through to him or else he wouldn't be getting in the room.

"Elijah, please," Greyson pleaded, sliding to the floor and leaning against the door. "I know you're hurting, but I need you to open the door so I can talk to you, love."

Greyson sighed in relief when he heard shuffling and felt the door when Elijah leaned against the other side of the door.

"P-Promise you won't h-h-hate me for scaring him away?" Elijah asked weakly.

"I promise," Greyson said. "I could never hate you, E."

Elijah's movements could be heard from behind the door and the lock clicked. Once it was unlocked, Greyson shoved the door open and rushed into the room, only to stop and stare in horror.

The entire room had been destroyed; the dressed was on its side with clothes thrown everywhere, the mirror was shattered, and the desk in the corner of the room had the drawers torn out, leaving the ground covered in books and papers from the desk drawers.

Greyson was shocked.

If there was one thing that Elijah was, it was organized. He loved when everything was in place and hated how disorganized Greyson's office was, so he often spent time cleaning up his office and putting everything in its place.

It took a lot for Elijah to make a mess, so he had to have reached a breaking point in order to turn against his instinct to organize and destroy his safe space.

"Elijah..." Greyson breathed as Elijah curled up in the corner of the room beside the bed, crying into his knees. "Baby..."

"Just go," Elijah said, choking out a sob and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "I'm disgusting."

Greyson knelt in front of him and lifted Elijah up, the latter wrapping his legs around Greyson's waist, burying his face in his shoulder.

"You're not disgusting, love," Greyson promised, rubbing his back. "Can you take a deep breath and tell me why you're so upset?"

Elijah started crying again, wetting a spot on Greyson's shirt with his tears. "I made Levi hate me!" he sobbed, clinging onto Greyson as tight as he could. "He thinks I'm an insane rapist and that I'm going to take advantage of him. I know I'm a sin and that I'm bad, but I'm not a rapist! I'd never hurt my soulmate but he wouldn't listen and ran away."

Greyson sat down on the bed, the only part of the room that hadn't been completely destroyed. He rested his back against the pillows with Elijah laying on top of him, still crying into his shoulder.

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