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"I said we'd talk about it and we did!" Greyson said, trying to calm Levi down. "Elijah agrees with me!"

Levi groaned in annoyance. "But I want to! Why doesn't it matter what I want?" he snapped back, punching the bed.

Elijah's skin began to change shades and his wings burst out. He couldn't control his anger and irritation with his human soulmate and lifted him by his shoulders, pushing him into the wall beside their bed, his feet off the ground.

Levi's eyes were wide, his heart pounding as Elijah snarled at him, his teeth sharpening as his shift completed, his eyes glowing green.

"Elijah, relax," Greyson said, which only earned him a growl as well.

"Are you not going to help me?!" Levi asked, trying to get Elijah to put him down, but the demon had an iron grip.

Greyson shrugged from his spot on the bed. "You did this to yourself," he said, picking up a book from his nightstand and opening it. "Be grateful it isn't me."

Levi huffed and tried to kick at Elijah, but the demon only increased the pressure on his shoulders. "Let me down!" he yelled, making Elijah snarl and throw him onto the bed, climbing on top of him.

"Stop acting out," Elijah said, his eyes flashing a brighter green. "If you weren't so fragile I'd take you right now."

Anger washed over Levi and he shoved Elijah off of him and ended up on his lap. "I am not fragile! If you want to do something to me, do it!" he yelled, and Levi felt delight fill him as Elijah's eyes brightened again, but before he could do anything, Greyson pulled Levi off of him.

"No, both of you stop," he said, carrying Levi out of the room and glancing back at Elijah. "You stay in here until you're calm!"

Levi groaned when Greyson tossed him onto the couch in the living room where Tristan and Winston were glaring at each other with Alastor attempting to mediate.

"Please tell me you and your soulmates are being less difficult," Alastor begged as Winston caught the glass cup Tristan threw at him. "I can't stand to mediate anymore."

Levi stood up and pointed at Greyson. "Tell him that I'm not fragile and I can stand going to your damn celebration!" he yelled, rolling his eyes when he saw Greyson's skin go dark and his eyes glow. "Stop getting all demonic on me! I'm right!"

Alastor groaned and slammed his face into his hands. "Next time I let demons come to Earth, they don't get soulmates," he said, the words muffled into his hands.

He looked up to see a magazine flying at him, which he caught and burned in his hand, the ashes falling to the floor.

"Stop throwing shit!" Winston bellowed, stomping over to Tristan, only to receive and eye roll in response. "You're such a pain!"

Levi huffed. "I'm on his side right now," he said, referring to Tristan. "Apparently our demons only see us as weak and fragile."

Greyson's jaw was tight and he looked ready to throw Levi out of a window, but Alastor stopped him and made him leave.

"Winston... you're on your own. Levi, come with me," Alastor said, leading him back to where his soulmates were pouting in their rooms. "Can I borrow your soulmate for a few hours?"

Elijah looked like he wanted to protest, but Greyson stopped him and nodded.

"Go for it," Greyson grumbled, laying back on the bed to try to relax himself and return fully to his human form.

Alastor took Levi's arm and opened a portal to Hell, pulling Levi through it to the palace in the realm where Alastor resided. It was a giant home and they were in a huge dining room with four demons already there, one standing at each corner.

The table was made of a dark stone-like material and the chairs were the same dark stone.

"Get us some drinks, now," Alastor said to one of the demons, and it vanished into the kitchen. "Sit down, Levi."

Levi sat in one of the strange, stone chairs and felt warmth fill his body. He accepted the drink brought to him and was surprised by the warm, sweet liquid that tasted like milk but it didn't look like a milky substance, as it was clear.

"What is this?" Levi asked.

"A special drink from here similar to spiced milk," Alastor said. "It's clear so it often throws off humans and other beings not from here."

Levi finished his cup and was served another. "Cool," he said, taking another sip. "Why am I here? I don't usually take trips to Hell."

Alastor chuckled. "I'm just interested in the trouble in paradise. What's wrong with your relationship?" he asked, propping his hands on the table and leaning on it.

Levi huffed and dropped his head to the back of the chair. "They're being so annoying," he groaned, rolling his eyes. "Kayden told me all about the celebration and what comes with it and I'm ready for it! I can handle it and I know they're not going to hurt me in any way I don't want!"

Alastor pursed his lips. "They lived in Hell for years as full demons before they ever got their humans forms." He leaned back in his seat, propping his feet up on the table. "I don't think you understand."

"I don't care!" Levi said, growing annoyed with Alastor. "I want to go! They're not going to do anything that's worse than what's already happened to me."

"I think they're worried that they'll bring back old memories," Alastor said, referring to Levi's childhood. "And the last thing they want to do is hurt you."

Levi groaned, slamming his head into the table. "Don't take their side," he whined, annoyed by all of the demons in his life at the moment. "I can handle it!"

"Have you considered a practice?" Alastor asked him, thinking about Levi's options. "Like... trying sex with their demons and then seeing what happens?"

"I asked Greyson about it and he talked to Elijah, but I think he convinced him to say no," Levi whined. "It's so stupid! I know what I want and shouldn't they respect that?"

Alastor shrugged. "Maybe, but they're going to be skeptical. I'd say convince them to give it a chance, but you know stubborn they can be. I'd offer to be the practice but I respect those two idiots and I know you wouldn't be comfortable with it," he said, getting up from his seat and walking over to the kitchen. "Are you hungry?"

"Yeah, for dick," Levi spat, walking into the kitchen and hopping up on the counter. "You want me at the celebration, don't you?"

Alastor sighed. "Sorry, I have to stay neutral for your sake and mine. I may be their Master and can force them to get over their irritation, but I like when they choose to be happy with me," he said, opening the freezer and pulling out a container of ice cream. "You know how to seduce them, so do it."

"They know how to shut me down and there's two of them and one of me!" Levi exclaimed. "It's different for Kayden because he only has one demon to deal with."

Alastor pulled a spoon out of the drawer and started to eat his ice cream. "That's true," he agreed, offering Levi the spoon. "And you have one more person that can lose control."

"I want that," Levi whispered as he took a bite of the treat. "I want them to lose control and stop treating me like I'm so breakable because I'm not and I can handle it!"

"Then show them and convince them," Alastor said. "If they say no I can try to persuade them, but you're the only one who can truly get them to agree."

Levi sighed, understanding what Alastor meant. "Fine. Send me home. I'm going to go convince them," he said, putting the ice cream away. "Because I want to go to that damn celebration."

Alastor smirked. "I'll be happy if you can," he said, opening the portal to Earth.

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