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Levi snuck out of the room once both Greyson and Elijah had fallen asleep. He wasn't in the middle that night so he had no problem sneaking away with Oatmeal right on his heels.

It was only ten at night, and Levi was still on his break from work, so he wasn't too worried about staying up late. No part of him was ready to go to bed, as he was still filled with adrenaline and excitement from the sex he just had, and he had something he needed to address.

There was something nagging in the back of his head, telling him that something was wrong even though he felt like everything was going good.

He walked out to the dining room and found the rest of the demons and their soulmates on the couch, watching a movie.

"I'm assuming the other two are out?" Paxton asked, a rare smile slipping onto his face. "I'm just saying, they act tough but they're literally the most out of commission after sex."

Levi blushed. "Where's the Advil?" he asked softly, and the group started laughing.

Kayden rolled his eyes at the others and got up from Simon's lap, taking Levi into the kitchen. "Here," he said, handing Levi a couple of pills and a glass of water. "How was it?"

"My ass is going to hurt for a couple of days," Levi admitted, taking the medicine and drinking the water. "And... I have a couple of issues."

Kayden perked up. "What's up?"

"Well... we just... y'know... hadsexwhiletheywereintheirdemonformsanditwasreallygoodbutnowimstressedandfeelupsetandneedhelp."

"Can you take what you just said and slow it down please?" Kayden asked, humored by Levi's stress but also feeling sorry for the other boy.

Levi took a deep breath, peeking into the living room to make sure no one was eavesdropping, especially because he knew that the demons wouldn't be much help.

"We just had really good sex and it was great... but I feel this kind of pit of nerves and I don't know why," Levi said, pursing his lips. "Like, I enjoyed it. A lot. But now... I just feel stressed and sick."

Kayden frowned, hugging his friend. "I get it," he said, rubbing Levi's back. "It happened to me after the celebration last year. I can't explain why it happened, but there's ways to deal with it. Usually I meditate or go on a walk, just to get out the nerves. Talking doesn't always do it for me, so moving around and focus is how I deal with the nerves."

Levi sighed. "I just don't want them to see me like this and act like I'm too fragile and not ready for it," he said, hopping up on the counter. "But I want to talk to them at the same time."

"Did you do any aftercare?"


Kayden shrugged. "I'm not sure," he said, glancing back into the living room and finding Tristan sneaking away behind the couch and crawling into the kitchen.

"Fuck you two for always leaving me alone in a room with them," he grumbled, sitting on the ground so Winston wouldn't see him. "What're we talking about?"

"Sex with our soulmates, so nothing you're interested in," Kayden deadpanned, making Levi snicker. "How long do you give him until he gets up to find you?"

Levi answered before Tristan could. "Time's up," he said, watching Winston get up from the couch and stomp into the kitchen.

"I'm having a conversation," Tristan spat, standing up and acting like he wasn't trying to hide.

Winston raised an eyebrow. "What're you talking about?" he asked, looking at Levi and Kayden for an answer.

"Um..." Levi trailed off, scared to sell Tristan out. "Drug dealing."

"Stop trying to run off," Winston snapped, making Tristan flip him off. "And watch the attitude."

Tristan rolled his eyes. "Watch yours, demon," he said, only to back away when Winston's hands glowed and flames ignited from the tips of his fingers.

The fear in his eyes made Winston chuckle.

"Not so tough now, huh?" he asked, walking back toward the living room. "Have fun with your sex conversation."

"I hate him," Tristan grumbled. "So, what are we doing?"

Kayden shrugged. "Want to go on a walk? The sky's clear tonight," he said, but Simon called from the other room.

"Nope!" he yelled, turning to face his irritated soulmate. "We all know other supernaturals like to hide in the woods and I'm not letting you be in danger."

Kayden groaned. "It happened one time," he muttered, crossing his arms.

"What did?" Levi asked.

Shaking his head, Kayden forced a smile. "Nothing important. Just a minor incident with a vam- uh, a supernatural in the woods," he said, walking to the pantry and pulling out cocoa powder, flour, and sugar. "Want to make some brownies?"

"Only if they're slutty brownies," Tristan said, rushing to the pantry and returning with Oreos, Reese's peanut butter cups, and M&Ms.

Levi decided he had nothing better to do and he didn't want to go to bed yet, so he busted himself helping the other two humans with their treat. They were soon joined by Lexi, who'd just gotten home from work and didn't feel like sitting down and watching a movie.

"You're limping," Lexi pointed out, looking at how Levi was walking. "Tell me all about it."

Kayden glared at the other demon. "Go fuck yourself, Lex," he growled, since he could tell Levi didn't feel like opening up. "You can ask Elijah about it tomorrow."

Lexi sighed and grabbed an Oreo from the package. "Fine. But he'd better give me all the details," he said in a soft, floaty voice. "Does this mean they're letting you go to the celebration?"

Levi blushed, making Lexi shriek in excitement.

"I knew they'd give in!" he exclaimed, hugging Levi before disappearing to his room.

"Is it just common knowledge that both of my soulmates have sticks up their asses?" Levi asked, cutting up the peanut butter cups and throwing them into the batter. "Because everyone's been asking me about it."

Kayden shrugged and Tristan nodded.

"They're demons. They all have sticks up their asses," Tristan grumbled, scooping handfuls of his chopped Oreos and mixing them into their brownie mix. "Assholes."

"Let's just get these into the oven," Kayden said, glancing at the demons to make sure they weren't going to get reamed for Tristan's words. "And stop talking shit."

Tristan rolled his eyes once again. "You'd feel the same way if your so-called soulmate kidnapped you and wouldn't let you leave," he muttered. "Why do beings of Hell even get to own us? I don't get it."

"It just happens," Levi said, thinking back to when he first met his demons and hated them with a passion. "Eventually you'll learn that he cares, but he just doesn't know how to show it."

"Sure," Tristan said, walking away from the kitchen and sneaking toward the front door.

He almost reached it when Winston got up and carried him back to the couch.

"Will he ever learn?" Kayden asked, sorrow on his face as Tristan was carried back to the couch. "I feel like he won't ever give Winston a chance."

Levi shrugged. He'd gotten to know the demons a bit more since he now lived with them, but the one he didn't understand was Winston, as the demon always was so aggressive and angry. Then again, he did owe Winston for being the one to contact his soulmates when they'd first met and he got drunk at the bar.

"Winston is a confusing person," Levi said as Kayden set a timer for the brownies. "He's got time with Tristan, though, so maybe they'll both learn how to live with each other and let it evolve."

Kayden smiled. "You're so much wiser than you give yourself credit for."

Levi returned the smile. "Maybe I am," he admitted. "And I think talking works for me."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't feel afraid anymore."

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