60: Broadcast

92 7 0

 [Planar World, Lin Sanjiu's Card Deck]

Police Baton ×1

Description: It's almost out of battery. Please take note of the instructions.

Small knives ×3

Description: Cheap fruit knives. If you are cut by one of these, you can stop the bleeding with a single band-aid.

Brick ×1

Description: Building material. Gangsters from Northeast China and Beijing enjoy using this to scare people, supposedly.

Pygmalion Choker | Cooldown time left: 8 hours 9 mins

Gentle word of advice: Please take care of your own safety.


"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" Lin Sanjiu exploded. She pulled Xiao Yu up and ran like crazy. Without a second of delay, Fang Dan and Marcie followed behind her swiftly. They ran for the stairway. Usually, that distance was not that far, but today, they seemed to take forever — before they even got close, a black shadow flew above their heads.

Deep cracks appeared on the portions of the ceiling where the black shadow brushed past, and concrete and sawdust fell like rain. Covering their heads and faces, and avoiding the falling debris slowed them down significantly.

The black shadow landed with a thump in front of the women. It retracted its shiny raven black wings. Lin Sanjiu looked behind her and found that there were another five winged duoluozhongs rushing toward them. A normal duoluozhong was outside, but it left the moment it saw the back of those winged ones.

The winged duoluozhongs were very tall; they reminded Lin Sanjiu of the two duoluozhongs she met in the public security bureau. The skin on their bodies and wings were not wrinkly and sticky, nor did they have smooth, human-like skin. Instead, their skin had a dark brown glossy surface, not unlike a beetle's carapace.

If not for their human-like torsos, they would look like gigantic cockroaches from behind.

"Sob..." Xiao Yu fell to the ground weakly with unfocused eyes, too afraid to even move. Lin Sanjiu couldn't help cursing inwardly when she saw Xiao Yu.

"Fight! Let's fight!" Fang Dan's voice trembled when she said that. "Do all of you have a weapon?"

Lin Sanjiu stared at one of the duoluozhongs as cold sweat covered her entire body. That duoluozhong blinked at her as if showing its delight. At that moment, she smelt a familiar scent. They usually had an unpleasant stench, but this fall emanated a faint fragrance. It was so familiar...

It was the smell of washing powder.

Since water was a precious resource, in the entire Oasis, only the executives' building had washing powder, as they were the only ones with the privilege to wash their clothes.

This duoluozhong was wearing an executive's shirt. Or rather, its clothes had been washed, just like the executives'. Lin Sanjiu gritted her teeth tightly as the horrifying speculations that filled her mind all pointed to very shocking conclusions. The main hall was very quiet, and other than Xiao Yu's sobs, the duoluozhongs did not make the unique buzzing noise that they usually did. It was as if they were intentionally controlling themselves.

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