(2) LEO: JUNE 2ND, 2020

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LEO: JUNE 2ND, 2020

Sometimes Leo wished he was Dorothy, so he could tap his heels and wish to be home. Except he wouldn't be at home-home, as in born-here-live-here, but with Enzo and Malachi instead, because they had been home for him for years.

        It wasn't that Leo hated his family. He loved them, he was grateful and appreciated everything they did, but sometimes... It felt like they cared more about some old fucks than their own son, who was blatantly hurt by everything the old fucks said and did.

          He loved his mom and dad, his brother and sister, but anyone else in his family could die, for all he cared.

           Harsh? Maybe. But at least he respected someone's identity. Shade? Absolutely.

            Leo had to give himself a mini pep talk before he went inside. When he did, everyone was so fucking loud. Leo knew he himself was loud, but his family was so much worse. He actually knew when to tone it down, unlike them.

              "Leo! Is that you?" His mom called out, peeking into the entryway. She waved him over with a big smile. "Come say hi real fast. Then you can go upstairs, okay, mijo?"

                "'Kay," he mumbled, brushing past her. In the living room, his father sat with his mother on one sofa, and on the other were his tía and tío, abuela placed between them. Mateo, his fourteen year old brother was on the floor, watching whatever twelve year old Lily had playing on her iPad.

                 Leo forced out a polite smile. "Hello," he greeted in Spanish, waving slightly at the three sitting on the sofa. "How are you?"

                  "Good," tío Armando replied, his wife nodding her agreement. "And you — ?" Leo hated hearing his dead name come from anyone, but he especially hated it from that dickhead.

                    Leo's clenched jaw twitched. "I was great until you spoke," he spat.

                    "Leo!" Mom whisper-shouted, looking a little panicked. "Armando, if you could please respect him — "

                     "I will not respect a transgender who does not respect the body God gave her," Armando replied, absolutely fucking serious. What the fuck does God have to do with this? He doesn't give a shit what I am! "I can't believe you are still letting her indulge in this phase. You are even destroying her body!"

                     Leo's hands curled into fists at his sides. He was being really bold that day. "You're so fucking annoying," he groaned, scowling. He usually didn't disrespect any adult to that degree, but he couldn't help himself. He was pissed off. "It's not a phase, you fat fuck. If anything, you're destroying your body with that alcohol and smoking addiction."

                   The room went silent. Leo refused to take it back. Maybe he went too far bringing up his weight and his addiction, but honestly? Leo didn't give a single fuck. He chose that, but Leo didn't choose to be trans. He didn't choose to risk being murdered for who he was.

                   "That's what I thought," Leo sneered. "You can tell me I'm fucking up my healthy ass body once you fix yourself, asshole. Good-fucking-night." He flipped him off as he turned and trudged his way upstairs, fuming.

                  He made sure to lock his door as he climbed into bed, immediately going to his phone and opening up their group chat, pressing the camera button. Enzo was the one that picked up, Malachi right beside him.

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