(14) LEO: JUNE 20TH, 2020

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LEO: JUNE 20TH, 2020

"Are we there yet?"


"Are we close?"

"Kind of."

"What time are we gonna get there?"

"I don't know. Three?"

"That's two hours away!" Leo complained, falling back onto the bench, wincing when he knocked his head on the window. "I can't wait two whole ass hours. That's too long."

Enzo smacked his face. Lightly, of course. But Leo reacted as if he'd slapped him, because he liked being dramatic. "Two hours is not long," Enzo responded, jabbing his finger against Leo's forehead. "Shut up."

Leo groaned. "In Leo time, it is," he muttered, huffing when Enzo sat down beside him, pulling out his phone. "What if we're late for the parade?"

"We're not gonna be late," Malachi said, sighing. "People will party until the morning. Nothing to worry about."

"Yeah, but the parade," Leo stressed, sitting up and leaning over, arms braced on his knees. When Malachi glanced at him through the rear view mirror, Leo continued: "I've never been to one before. I wanna be there from the very start to the end."

"And you will," Malachi replied. "We will. Don't worry about it."

"Yeah," Enzo said absently. "How dare you underestimate Mal's planning abilities."

Leo sneered. "Shut up, asswipe."

"Oh, use me to wipe your ass."


"You called me an asswipe," Enzo commented, shrugging. "Might as well wipe yours."

Leo facepalmed. "I hate you so much."

Enzo grinned. "You love me, don't lie." When Leo just narrowed his eyes, Enzo dropped his phone and abruptly grabbed Leo, pulling him against his chest with an arm around his shoulders. "Don't lie to me, Leo! Lying is a sin!"

"You're a sin!" Leo shouted back. "Fuck you."

"Sex before marriage is also a sin, so no, I will not be fucking you."

"Oh my God."

"I wish you two would shut up for once in your lives," Malachi said from the driver's seat. "How do y'all not get tired of the same jokes?"

Leo struggled in Enzo's hold. "The power of friendship," he managed to get out, grunting as he shoved at Enzo in any possible way he could.

"This isn't an anime," Enzo responded.

"Fuck you. I'm the shounen protagonist because I have colored hair. You two are the buddies I meet along the way."

"Uh-huh." Enzo ruffled his hair. Leo started complaining again.

Eventually, Leo just gave up, and Enzo loosened his hold so that Leo could plop his head in his lap. It was quiet, which Malachi had to be happy about, considering his whole obsession with hating loud noises.

Truthfully, Leo wasn't sure how Malachi was still friends with them when he hated loud noises so much. All Leo did was yell, and when Enzo was around, it was extra loud. He was also surprised at the fact Malachi hadn't suffocated them in their sleep yet on the trip so far.

Then again, Leo was surprised by a lot of things, sometimes for no valid reason. Example one being Malachi planning an entire trip around letting him go to Pride in the gayest city ever. He had to hold back a grin just thinking about it.

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