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— x

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— x.ᴅ.ʀ.

I couldn't describe what kind of feeling is to have a girl you love next to you and watch how your child is growing in her.

Over the past month that she was here with me, we got closer. Not as close as we were, yet enough that I can say that she is trusting me.

At first, it was hard for her, and I could see that she was troubling herself with the whole change of place, time difference, and whole pregnancy on top of that, the mood swings and carvings.

I could see that she wasn't as comfortable around me, she would shy away and it seemed like she was anxious to be in my presence. Her comfortableness had its limits with me.

When we first arrived here I didn't lie when I said that I gave Daniel her old room. Kind of some way I was glad that Bellissa came earlier than expected and the reason for that is.. simply I had Antea closer to me, I had her right next to me, and that way I kept her safe.

Over the first few days, just like when I moved her first time in my room, I slept on the couch while letting her keep the whole bed to herself.

I'm not gonna lie and say that it was like sleeping on a marshmallow or something like that, it was uncomfortable but I didn't complain.

Why? Because I had her finally after so many nights, during which I didn't sleep but searched for her, I finally had her in my presence.

Maybe I can't hold her in my arms like I use to, but I was still happy that I had her here, next to me. And the only person to blame for not being able to do exactly that is me.

I fucked up everything, but I would rather cut my arms than ever do the same shit again. I learned from my mistakes and I only hope that when I tell her everything she will be able to find in herself to forgive me. I know that I in her place wouldn't, but then again she is different than me. She is pure, good, sometimes I think that the only word that would describe her as a saint.

Although just like the first time she didn't let me sleep on the couch for long.


It is around midnight and I couldn't fell asleep. I keep flipping from side to side but I couldn't find a comfortable spot on this couch. I swear to God the moment the sun comes out I'm gonna go and order a new one. This is starting to be hell. And the best thing is that I don't even remember why did I buy this one when it's so damn uncomfortable.

A sifting on the bed brought my attention toward it. The first thing that fell on my mind is that something happened to Antea, that she is in pain or something.

"Xa-Xavier." She called silently while prompting herself on her elbows to look at me. I lifted my head to looked at the beauty in front of me only to find her frowning.

"What happened? Are you Okay? Do you feel any type of pain?" Asking I stood up and made my way to her slowly not wanting to scare her for invading her personal space.

"N-no, no it's not that. I'm fine. It's just.. umm, you seem to be uncomfortable with sleeping over there." She whispered which brought a smile to my face. She didn't change a bit.

"I'm fine, amore. Don't worry about me." I said crunching down next to her but she was quick to shake her head.

"You are not fine. I can hear and see how many times you turned on that couch and how you would pressing your hand against your neck in the morning. I know that it's not comfortable so don't dare to lie to me."

Her words caused my smile only to grow. Shaking my head I looked at her "And what do you proposing?" My question took her a little off guard and she shifted a little on the bed.

Turning her head back to face me "Why don't you lay here on the bed? It's big enough to fit both of us." She asked timidly causing my eyebrows to shoot upward.

"I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable. I know that I'm still an unknown person to you." I said truthfully on which she looked at me for some time but then shook her head.

"You are not making me feel uncomfortable." Her voice was barely audible "I can't watch you in pain every morning. And I know that you don't sleep at night because of that uncomfortable couch. I hear you every night because neither I can sleep, time difference and change of place is messing with me."

"Amore, I'm fine with sleeping on the couch-" I started however she had different plans as she slid her body away from me patted a spot on which she was just a moment ago.

"Please." She begged "If you know me and love me as you say, then you know that I wouldn't be able to fell asleep until I don't know that you are fine. And I know that you are not fine with sleeping there."

Her words made me sigh in defeat and I got into a bed next to her. "Are you sure? Are you okay with this?" I asked her once again just to make sure that I don't make any pressure on her.

"I'm sure." Were her words before she closed her eyes going back to sleep.

On other hand, my sleep didn't come to me. My heart hammered in my chest, at the fact of having her so close to me, that I was scared I'm gonna wake her up.

Taking a deep breath, the first thing I felt was the coconut lotion that she likes to use. Closing my eyes for a couple of seconds, hoping that I'm going to somehow fell asleep but instead I was met with a soft touch on my shoulder.

Opening my eyes only to find those bluish-gray eyes I love staring at me. "What is it, amore?" I asked quietly with a small smile while turning to face her.

"I can't sleep." She whispered back making my smile turn into one of concern.

"Are you in pain?" On my question, she only shook her head.
"No, I just can't fall back to sleep."
"Mhmm, me neither." I said after which we fell into silence while staring at the eyes of each other.

The moonlight that came through the window made her face glow into the darkness of the room. After a couple of moments, I cleared my throat lightly. "Do you want that I tell you a story?"

"Sure, what kind of?"
"Umm.." thinking a little about it an idea fell in my mind, "I told you that I'm gonna tell you more about us. Do you want to hear how we met?" I asked on which she eagerly nodded her head making a smile stretch across my face.

End of flashback

And that's how it ended that night. I spoke her about us. About how we met. And ever since then, every night I would have told her something about us. It became our routine before sleeping.

• • •


Short one sorry, I will probably update one more later. ♡


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