The heart of the truest believer

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As Hook steered the ship down the portal, Mary Margaret and David held on to each other, Emma and Gold held onto the ropes tightly and Regina held on to Ella

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As Hook steered the ship down the portal, Mary Margaret and David held on to each other, Emma and Gold held onto the ropes tightly and Regina held on to Ella

when they finally made it out of the portal they landed roughly knocking everyone over but Ella and Hook over as they obviously knew how to stand on a ship going through a portal.

Ella looked over at Emma as she said, "Is that it?"

"Aye... Neverland." Hook said

Ella's head shot up and her eyes widened as she looked at the island

"Why in the holy hell did no one tell me we were going here!"

Mary Margaret walked forward saying, "You didn't want to know-"

Ella cut Mary Margaret off by yelling, "I think I'd want to know if it was blood neverland!"

She took a deep breath and looked at the island and said, "It doesn't matter now, all that matters is finding Henry if he's on Neverland... let's just say there're traps everywhere."

. . . .

"Nuh uh uh, slow down pal. You got nowhere to go." Greg said as Henry started to run

"We made it. Mission accomplished." Tamara said with a smile

"Are you sure about that cause my mom's and Ella Scarlett are coming to get me."

Greg walked up to Henry and said, "You might want to take a look around kid. You see any clock towers? You're a long way from Storybrooke."

"It doesn't matter. My family's been to the Enchanted Forest before and they can get here again." Henry said

No one said anything as they heard howls

once the howls had stopped Tamara said, "Well we're not in the enchanted forest. This is Neverland."

Henry took a deep breath as he said, "Neverland? You're here to destroy Neverland? Well if you haven't annoyed Ella by taking me she will definitely be angry when she hears that."

The Second Princess (1)- 𝓞𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓤𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓐 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮Where stories live. Discover now