You Write, I'll Read

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Late at night
When it's all calm around,
And the stars gossip about
Their favourite lovebirds on earth;
You and I stay up by the fire
Sending dancing shadows on
The walls full of memories;
The chandelier glittering in the dim light,
Waves crashing on the beach outside
Providing music to our tired ears;
You sit at your mahogany desk,
Fingers stained with ink,
Scribbling furiously into your diary,
Weaving magic through your words
As you pen down stories,
Turning the mundane to the extraordinary;
I lounge on the couch,
Spectacles balanced on my nose
As I thumb through yet another book,
Occasionally peeking from over the pages
To watch you;
Your eyebrows furrowed in concentration,
Your eyes dreamy, lost in another world,
Yet determined and full of love
For the characters you create.

Sometimes I catch you watching me too
And I know you love it when
I smile to myself, engrossed in the story;
Though physically in front of you
Yet my mind exploring far-off places,
Meeting unknown people,
And doing unimaginable things;
I know you would love to leave all behind
And accompany me on my adventures,
For aren't you afraid you might lose me
If I fall for the characters you create?
But how can I?
When the one who creates all the beauty
Is sitting right here with me
Holding my hands in his
And promising me
A forever.


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