Sunshine on a Winter Morning

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You are to me like sunshine
On a cold winter morning,
The warm glow of your presence
Lighting up my soul.

As I sit here, huddled in my blankets,
A mug of the strongest coffee in hand,
The only smile I can think of is yours;
Did I never get the chance to tell you
That your smile was the summer's sun?
Lighting up everything that crossed it's path.
I was just the moon, shining off your glory;
Look at me now, cold and broken,
On this cold dreary winter morning
As another drafty wind blows in.
But I shan't close the shutters
Cause they bring to me the smell of winter-
The smell of brokenness and bareness
The feeling of abandonment and loneliness
And I'm glad the weather feels the same way I do.
The sun hasn't risen in 3 months this far up North
Nor will it ever in my life.
Cause you were the sunshine of my life,
The same sun that makes all the green plants grow,
The same sun that keeps the Earth fixed on its orbit,
The sun that kept me sane.

Now I only need to find how long I'll last
Without my sun;
Will I join you in the sky
Like the innumerable stars up there?
You still overshine them all, do you know?
But I can't bring myself to stare at you for long
Just the way I could never muster the courage before.
Some things never change, do they?
Therefore, I sit here once again
As the clock chimes midnight
Dreaming of you like always
As the stars come out to play.


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