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It was fine early morning, the revolutionary army are sailing to east blue to meet Garp the father of dragon, to introduce Luffy to his grandpa.

While everyone was busy with their work on the ship, a baby whose only 2 years old and half are playing on the deck near the boxes and barrels of an apple alone.

While Dragon, Luffy's father is busy signing the paperwork he didn't see Luffy going outside to play and the others are to busy to care and miss the little boy going on deck.

Suddenly, a big storm appear causing an uproar on the deck making Luffy fall on top of an open barrel of an apple and trapping him inside.

When Dragon heard the commotion outside he quickly order his men to prepare for the storm to hit. During the chaos he then realized that Luffy is missing, he quickly went out and look for him.

While Dragon is in a panick looking for Luffy, the said baby whose still trap inside the barrel have fallen overboard caused by the strong ocean wave.

After days of being washed by the ocean and only eating apples, Luffy finally reach an island but not just any island, it's an island full of large beast and animals.

Meanwhile, when Dragon couldn't find Luffy he became devastated that his only son have fallen overboard and maybe drown. Dragon got depressed that his only son died.

And when Garp found out, he also got sad that his grandson died without even knowing his grandpa and without even seeing the little boy.


5 years later

A 7 year old boy could be found in an island fighting a large beast for lunch. He has black shaggy hair, round black eyes, and a scar under his left eye. He wear some animal skin for his t-shirt and shorts. You can also hear the explosion caused by the fight and a kid shouting. His name is Monkey D. Luffy.

" Hey!! Wait! Stop there!! Food!! " Yell Luffy with his limited vocabulary and a big smile on his face.

" Boom!!! " " Crashh!! "

While Luffy was fighting, in the distance a group of pirates are coming closure on the island but it's not just any pirate, it's a renowned pirates.

Who could this pirates be?


Hey guys welcome and thank you for reading my ever first fanfic.

Sorry for wrong grammar and spelling.

What do you think about my story? Please leave a comment of what you think.

And heres a tip about my story that can't be found on the story(maybe): it's about Luffy who got separated with Dragon while sailing for east blue. Luffy got taken by the animals in the island thinking his one of them because his a baby. While growing up Luffy learn how to use haki and learn to fight off the beast who try to eat him. And since Luffy is still 2 and a half his vocabulary is very limited cause no ones teaching him how to talk more words. Since Luffy grown up surrounded by animals he understand them better than a normal human could. Then when Luffy turn 7 the Whitebeard pirates found him while their going to stock more food.

About Luffy's name, he remember his father telling him his name that's why in my next story he know his full name. And about Ace and Sabo, Garp drop them with the Whitebeard when they were 7 because ace got found out ( I think im gonna make a backstory about them later). Their age gap is still the same in the canon.

Here Luffy is super strong but his still the same Luffy we all like and love.

That's all for now! See you next chapter!!
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Ja ne~

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