Buddy Life - Fab6 - Part 3

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Raghav's POV:

The minute I heard 'Jordan' from her mouth I was curious!

I never heard of Siya being with a guy till now!!!

Nor did i see her with any guys except Bikki & Suhaan. Infact she even maintains her distance from other classmates of hers because Siya has a little bit of a Brit accent & they make fun of her. I never did that even when we were not friends & probably thats why we became friends even after we didnt start off well.

But now I was curious!!!

"Jor...Jordan who?" i asked ... to which she smiled saying "My dream man"

I dont know why I didnt like hearing that from her mouth! She was dreamily looking into the beach side while the sun had setted & our friends still continued playing volleyball under dim lights. While Siya started picking her sandals & started walking towards a little shack to get a cup of tea.

I followed her & asked her "Who Jordan... i mean i never saw or heard of a Jordan in our college!!!"

While she smiled & asked me tea...

Hell I want tea!!! Who is Jordan?

But i composed myself & saif.. "Ummm no... its ...its fine.. you have"

She picked her tea & went & sat on wet sand where little waves touched her long beautiful feet. I quietly went & sat next to her. She smiled. She looked beautiful as the fire torches were lighted across the beach which was burning brightly. Her dimple is bewitchingly attractive i thought :)

But wait!! Jordan!!!

"Siya... Jordan?" i asked again.. while she narrowed her eyebrows asking me directly "Why are you so curious Mr Golu Sehgal? Huhhh? "

Yup!!! She is indeed right!! Why do i care!!! Its her whoever!!! I dont care!! I DONT!!!

While she started giggling & said... "Chill!!! Jordan is my oldschool crush.. Someone whom i fell for when i was mere 12... He was my senior... 4 years senior to me...

First time i saw him play basketball... He looked so good.

He is not like you... he is a man! I like men Raghav,..Boys just dont attract me you know... And Jordan was a man at mere 16! Matured... sexy & every girl's dream man!"

I dont know what burnt into flames inside me!!!

Is it she saying... he is a man & i am a mere boy


She saying I am not attractive enough!

or that she liked him! Or wait!!! Loved him????

But i maintained a stoic face & waited for her to continue...

"Then i saw him play a Rugby match.. strong arms... 6.2... tall... & devilishly sexy! I was a goner..

Then I heard about him being every other girl's crush in college but he wasnt involved with anyone... I liked that about him. He would silently take his book & land in a library & girls would only starting pouring into our library to study when he was around.

Good in sports..Good in studies...Good with women.. One man woman basically!

I was turned on! I liked the way he spoke to girls. So i approached him & I confessed to him that I had a crush on him to which the gentleman he is ...He just chuckled saying I am a mere 8th std kid & I must just concentrate on my studies. But maybe thats what made me like him the most.

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