What next?

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Bikki's POV:

Things changed overnight !!!

And lives were taking scary turns!

We are currently in the hospital waiting outside cathlab for doctor to confirm if the surgery was successful!

Till few days ago there was only happiness and smiles in this family but today I see almost everyone is at the verge of breaking.

Two people from the same family were in critical condition.

First was Daadi


Now it's him!!!

It all happened suddenly...

We were all sitting in the Sehgal Mansion living area with the tv switched on and the news anchor shouting at its loudest about Raghav and Siya's hotel encounter.

'Aunty Uncle this is all a sham!!! a trap!!! We have seen Siya Raghav... Believe me there is nothing like that... and this piece of shit!!! I can't believe this!!!

And just because a boy and girl are in the same room doesn't mean they have!!! Please aunty... please uncle... Samay Bhai - Deepa bhabhi... don't you trust your upbringing???
Look at them...you guys think they can be that immature to do such a thing???
And practically think once how come such a huge media crowd came in there and'

While Esha went on explaining Ram uncle just got up and started walking away...

He looked really broken...

Within minutes we saw Ram uncle collapse...

We took him to the nearby hospital and the doctor confirmed it was a major heart attack.

They did the angiogram and found two blocks out of which one was cleared without angioplasty but the other one needed stent.

Currently we all are waiting outside the cathlab for doctor to confirm.

While everyone was in tears I saw only one man who was sitting in the corner of the hospital and clenching his jaws!!!


I took him along while he looked pretty irritated!

He was shivering in anger!!!

'Raghav... calm... calm... Drink water come on' I pressed water bottle to his mouth while he slipped a drop or two while still sitting there like he's possessed!!!

Raghav is like Lord Shiva...

When he's calm...he's calm as water!

When he's angry...he's the volcano himself!!!

I was worried now...

'Bikki... get Siya here!!! We must talk!!!' he said...

I looked at him...he looked quite annoyed...

But they both must talk... Knowing one prominent nature of his... that may it what happens he never misbehaved with women I brought Siya to him...

Both were sticking to the walls opposite to each other and I was standing in between them.

'Do you remember anything?' he asked her...

To which she looked in his direction angrily...

'No!!!' is all she said...

'Do you still think I have done it with you last night?'

He directly asked her while I felt the need to leave but Bikki held my hand asking me to stay...

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