Chapter Twelve

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Steve got up and held out his hand "the soup awaits and hopefully it's not burnt" he said. I laughed and wiped my eyes; I took his hand and we went out to the family room and Steve checked the soup.

"Nope not burnt but just a little thicker than it should be but that's okay" he said as he scooped it into the bowls. I sat there holding in my laugh. The soup wasn't burnt but it was more like jello type texture instead.

We sat there for a moment, and I started laughing, "I'm sorry I can't help it, this can't be soup can it? Steve looked down at the soup and shook his head, "this is crap, never thought soup could actually do this" he said as it plopped back into the bowl off of his spoon.

"Well let's see what we can fix" I said as I stood up and walked to the kitchen, going through the cupboards I found the perfect fix for a night by the fire while the storm raged on outside.

I went to the garage really quick and came back in, Steve was adding more wood to the fire, I had to smile, he actually liked me, ha, take that stupid little voice in my head.

I carried a tray and sat it down in front of us, Steve looked it over "this looks really good" he said. "Well, I hope so, it's one of my go to snacks" I said as I put a few sliced pieces of cheese on a cracker.

We sat there and munched while watching the snow. "I wonder how much longer this is going to last, has to be at least three to four feet of snow already out there" I said.

"No idea but the nice thing is were in here with plenty of wood for the fire and we have plenty of food, were fine little mouse" he said and tapped my nose. I brushed his hand away.

"You always did that" I said smiling and shaking my head. "Can't help it, you're just too cute with how you react" he said. After we finished our late-night dinner, I stood up, "what about we go for a walk? I can't sleep yet and I just want to experience a night walk here" I told him, hoping he would go for it.

Standing up Steve walked over "well then let's get dressed and head out, but do me a favor until you get a decent winter coat wear a few layers of shirts and sweaters, its damn cold out there" he instead.

I went into my room, put on two t-shirts and a light sweater then a heavier one, and I knew Steve was right my jacket provided no warmth in this climate. I was an idiot not to buy one before coming here.

I walked out and showed him how many layers, he snickered but was happy with that damn twinkle in his eyes. "Much better now my little mouse is all bundled up" he said putting on his jacket.

I could tell he was holding in his laugh, I caught myself in the mirror, okay so I was now looking like a marshmallow but at least I would be warm, I hope.

Outside was like something out of a book, the snow was falling quiet heavily, but there was no sound anywhere. All the sound was from the crunch from our boots.

I stood there and closed my eyes and put my head back and stuck out my tongue to catch the falling snow. "You look like an angle" he whispered as he came up behind me.

I leaned into his chest. "I just love this, I have missed it" I said quietly, almost afraid to disturb the peace that was surrounding us.

"Come on let's go for our walk" he said as he took my hand. Holding his hand felt really nice, he led the way and found the trail that used to be there. "It's a little overgrown but it's still there and we should be good, but were not going to far at night" he said as he turned to look at me.

"I know, I just wanted to get out and explore a little bit" I told him as I looked around. We walked for a bit, taking our time. With the storm that has been hanging around there was no moonlight out to help us see.

Just the flashlights we brought to make sure we didn't lose our way. That would be certain death if we did out here. The closest neighbor is a few miles away and I wasn't sure which direction.

My dad wanted us isolated when we were up here. My dad was also a bit paranode, he said "in case something ever went on, this cabin is the best means to escape".

Now I could see why now that I'm older, it is so remote that no one would know you are out here if it wasn't for the town and the folks that lived there.

I spotted something, "Steve can I see the flashlight for a moment?" I asked. He handed it to me and I flashed it a few feet to the side of me, and there it was. "I can't believe it's still there" I said and started to walk to it.

"I forgot all about this place" Steve said as we walked over to it. I moved the light all around, "it looks somewhat intact still, we have to come back later and check it out" I said with a light tone to my voice.

My childhood treehouse but on the ground that Steve helped me built since my dad was always too busy with my sister when we were out here.

"Come on little mouse, we can check it out tomorrow if were able to" he said as he took my hand in his and his other hand, he held the flashlight and guided us back home.

Once inside we took off our stuff and we went into our separate bedrooms, changed into our night clothes, and I opened my door, I saw Steve's door was open.

He had his sweatpants on but no shirt, and holy hell this guy was muscular, and he had a tattoo along his back of some type of tribal tattoo, it was beautiful. He turned and then I saw the one tattoo I will never forget ever.

Above where his heart is, is a tattoo of a little mouse sitting on a bear's shoulder with the words together forever on his chest. I let the tears slide down my face seeing that.

Steve walked over to me, I took my hand and traced the tattoo, "its beautiful Steve" I said. I couldn't take my eyes off of it, "remember the last night when I was holding you, my last words before your parents packed you up to leave?".

I looked up at him, "you told me, no matter where we are or go, we will always be together forever" I whispered remembering his hug when he whispered it in my ear.

His one hand lifted my face up to look up at him. He took a finger and wiped away the tears, he slowly leaned down to kiss me, but knowing I never kissed a guy he stopped half way just to make sure I wanted that.

I got on my tiptoes and met him half way, as our lips touched, I wrapped my arms around him and his around me. His kiss was gentle at first, letting me kiss him at my pace.

I deepened our kiss, and his tongue touched my bottom lip and I opened my mouth and our tongues danced as the fire danced on the logs. I pulled back and smiled.

"Thats how I always wanted our first kiss" I said to him, he took my hand and we went to the couch and wrapped up in a blanket, we cuddled until I fell asleep with a smile on my lips. 

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