Chapter Fourteen

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The sun was starting to rise, even though the storm was still going strong which I hoped it would stop soon, we are definitely snowed in for another week even after this stuff stops.

I decided to try cooking over the fire, Steves here so if anything goes wrong, he can help me, and I'm pretty sure I can't burn the house down, I hope I can't.

Grabbing the iron skillet, I found a stand that goes over the fire for cooking, even though I know it's for the outdoor fire, it fits in this fireplace, looking over I see he is still asleep.

"Okay, got the eggs, and the pan is set on the grate thingy I should be good I hope" I whispered to myself, hoping not to wake Steve. the poor guy needs his sleep plus I wanted to surprise him with breakfast.

Cracked the eggs, and oh shit its cooking way to fast, oh well so they will be well done I smirked to myself. Luckily, I had grabbed the plates before I started this little adventure of cooking over a fire.

I put the eggs on a plate and placed a couple pieces of toast on the pan just to toast it a little. Not too bad when I pulled them off of the skillet. Don't know how this is going to taste but hey I tried, that's what counts right?

After everything was set on the coffee table, I made sure we each had our coffee with it and I found the orange juice, it was half frozen but still good, so I poured us each a small glass of it.

"Steve" I whispered in his ear. "Hmm?" he mumbled as he rolled over and was reaching for me and found my space empty. I sat there watching him sit right up looking for me.

He smiled when he saw I was sitting there and there was breakfast waiting for him. "You did all this?" he asked rubbing his eyes, "I did, I never cooked over an open fire before so if it tastes bad, sorry about it" I said quietly.

All of a sudden unsure of my work, but I swallowed the little voice that could get nasty if I let her, but not today. He sat up and tried a bit of egg and toast. "This is actually really good for your first time" he said.

You know what I will take that compliment even though how it sounded was a bit rude to me but I wasn't going to be picky at this moment. I smiled at him, "thank you for that" I said.

We sat there and ate our breakfast, and he was right, it wasn't half bad but I prefer cooking on the stove.

After we ate, Steve grabbed the pan and moved it to out in the garage on the wire rack that he has for holding the hot pans and such till they are cooled enough to clean.

"So, I was thinking after we check out the garage and see what it needs, I figured around lunch time we can go check out our little fort" Steve said as he was getting dressed in his bedroom.

"Sounds good to me" I said shutting the bathroom door. After a few minutes we both were dressed and going into the garage to see the damage. "Oh shit, that isn't great" I said looking at part of the tree branch leaning in the garage.

"It's not the best thing but I can easily cut the limb and try to tarp the hole that it made, hopefully the snow won't collapse it" he said as he was walking around the branch.

About three hours later, the branch was cut and he went on top of the roof and covered it with a few tarps. Using the tree as part of the cover. "Once everything is over with and cleared, I'll get a few guys up here to fix the roof for you" he said as he was having a cup of coffee getting warmed up.

"Okay, just as long as they don't mind me paying them in installments" I said. I knew I had enough but I didn't want to short myself until I had a full-time job. "Things will be easier once I get a job in town" I said as I went to get more coffee.

"I know a few places hiring after the new year, maybe I could help you check them out make sure they are the right fit for you?" he asked.

Since Steve knew the people and the jobs around here, I had to trust him which came as a no brainer. "Honestly I would love the help" I said. "Okay good" he smiled as he walked over and gave my forehead another kiss as he went to get his coat on.

Why is he always doing that? Is it a sign of affection? I am so new to all of this stuff, but at least I know he's into me and that made my butterflies dance their little happy dance all over again.

"You ready for our adventure?" he asked standing by the door waiting on me. I had to laugh, "so impatient you are Steve" I said as I made sure I had a few layers of shirts on.

Grabbed my jacket and hat, I was ready to head out for a day of fun. "Okay I'm ready let's go have some fun exploring" I said and Steve opened the door. We walked to where our fort stood.

We spent the next few hours, clearing a path to the door and we went inside. It was so tiny, not what I remembered but then again, I was seven and Steve was ten when we built this.

Standing there closing my eyes, I recalled all the fun times we had in here, it was our private little getaway from all the adults. Even they knew where we were and that we were safe, his parents pretended to look for us.

My parents could care less, so I think that's why Steve's parents made a game out of it with us, so I would feel important. I see where Steve gets his charm and ethics from.

I opened my eyes and saw Steve looking at me with a smile, "you my little mouse are so beautiful" he said as he walked over to me, "thank you my bear" I said and winked.

He laughed that deep warm laugh that melted my insides.   

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