Chapter Nineteen

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I laid there on our make shift bed in the family room, Steve must have gotten up in the middle of the night to stack more wood on the fire, since it's still going pretty well.

Stretching, making sure not to hit Steve since he is still sound asleep and looks so peaceful. I noticed the snow is lightly falling now, and the sky is lighter than is has been for the past few days.

I don't remember a snow storm lasting as long as this one, but then again, I haven't been to these parts in twenty years, and I know the lake effect can play a big part with how things can end up.

I wanted coffee but at the same time I didn't want to get out from under these blankets. I was so warm and snuggled in. I rolled onto my side and looked at Steve.

He was such a good-looking man, so grown up anymore, but when he slept, I can still see the little boy that I remembered. So carefree, so happy in life, he still looks that way but with more lines to his face.

He has a big of that weathered look to him, it makes him more grown up, more distinguished and rugged at the same time. My butterflies were dancing big time when my eyes roamed to his lips.

He had nice soft full lips that were amazing when he kisses me, I could kiss this man forever and never get bored of it. I licked the bottom of my lip remembering last night.

What he did in the old fort was such a beautiful gesture, no one has ever bothered to do anything like that. How he danced with me in his arms, he felt so good, warm and solid yet soft at the same time.

He was one that had a heart of gold and would do anything to make you happy, but I remember if you cross him how cold and hard, he became, even as a child he was fierce.

I wonder if he still has that inside of him, more than likely he does, it's how he got his nickname bear.

Some kids were picking on me and calling me names, making me cry. Steve just happened to be walking by, and saw me crying. He walked over and asked me what was wrong.

Once I told them those kids who I thought were my friends were calling me names and making fun of me because I lost my two front teeth. Steve hugged me and told me he would make sure that wouldn't ever happen again.

I remember Steve going up to those boys and punched the main kid right in the nose. There was blood everywhere, but Steve didn't care, he was yelling at them to never bother me again or he would make sure the rest were bleeding by the time he was done with them.

He had a tone to his voice; it could cut glass with how cold and sharp it was. My little heart swelled with pride that he was sticking up for me. The other kids ran off scared.

They never did bother me again, it also helped whenever I would go anywhere by myself, Steve was always at my side. He was my protector, so fierce and loyal. His body was always so warm, so I gave him the nickname "bear".

He was my bear, as I was his little mouse. Laying there looking at him, my heart swelled with pride remembering all those years ago, and here he was still protecting me all over again.

Just in a different way, the way a man does when he loves someone. I realized right then and there that I always have loved him, just now it has turned into a grownup kind of love.

A love so undying and fierce that I would do what I can to make sure he was protected and knew how much he held of my heart.

I started up the coffee, knowing it wouldn't take too long being over the fire, I was so looking forward to my coffee pot though. Once that was going, I went and changed for the day.

I saw Steve was still sleeping, so I left him a note letting him know I went out for a walk and I will be back soon. I added a little bit more wood to the fire so it wouldn't go out any time soon.

I found my one thermos and filled some coffee in it, making sure to leave Steve plenty and I had the hook off to the side but close enough to the fire to keep it hot enough but it won't burn.

Once nice trick Steve taught me, burnt coffee is nasty. I grabbed the case that held the guitar and my thermos. I quietly snuck out to and went to the old fort. Making sure not to close the door all the way.

I lite some of the candles still in there from last night, I placed my thermos next to me on the old log we used to use as a table.

Making sure the log that I was going to sit on was pretty much dry, last night I wiped most of it off so today I had some place to sit without getting a wet ass.

I got the old guitar out and sitting there I remembered how to tune it. All the strings were still in great shape amazingly after all these years.

I sat there for the next few hours playing songs that I remembered, my fingers were getting too cold to continue but after wrapping them around the thermos, and drinking the hot coffee it helped a bit longer.

I checked my watch and figured I should get back. Putting everything away and walking back to the cabin, I stopped and saw Steve standing in the window with his cup of coffee.

Standing there I realized that I could picture myself with this man for all time. How much I missed of his childhood and teenage years, seeing him before me I could see a young boy looking out that same window waiting for something or someone to come back to him. 

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