Chapter Twenty-Two

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I was so excited; I was finally going to be able to have lights and music and I could use my fridge and stove. It may seem like small stuff but once you have been without it, you miss it.

"Plus, I figured you deserve the world but I could only do this little part for you for now little mouse" he said as I kept hugging him.

I pulled back, taking a deep breath. It was no or never I thought.

"Okay I need you to come to the family room, I have a surprise for you" I said as I took his hand and had him follow me. Once there he sat on the couch and I made sure the fire was set so we didn't need to worry about that for a while.

"your dad taught me about the guitar, since my parents could care less honestly that I was interested in music, he saw that and took me under his wing when it came to that part.

After we left here, as I grew older and could work to make money, I invested in a guitar and took lessons for about six years, I went to the fort because I wanted to surprise you with a song.

You heard me practicing, but luckily you didn't hear this one, its special to me because I actually wrote it with you in mind. I also took singing lessons as well as guitar.

"Now I'm no professional, but I can carry a tune now, unlike when I was little you called me a screech owl" I said with a smirk. Steve laughed remembering that one.

I sat down with the guitar in front of the fire, and Steve got up and came to sit next to me, giving me his full attention, I could see he was amazed and wanting to listen to me, he gave it all away in his eyes.

I made sure the guitar was in tune, and I took a deep breath and slowly let it out. I played the guitar and sang the song that I wrote about him and I, how much I loved him from the time I met him when I was four years old. How he changed my life the day I walked back into this cabin and how I was falling so madly in love with him.

By the time I was done, his eyes were wet with tears. "Never in my life have I ever heard something so beautiful and amazing" he said. I put the guitar down and smiled at him.

"Thank you for that" I whispered; a bit embarrassed but felt wonderful at the same time. I finally did it, I hope he got the message that I conveyed in the song. Because I was madly in love with him.

Steve took one of his hands and put it behind my head and brought my lips to his. We poured all of our love into that kiss. "Laura, I want to give you the world my sweet little mouse" he said as he kissed me with so much passion that the butterflies were about to burst out of my stomach and zoom around the room.

We pulled apart and sat there breathing a bit heavy, you could feel the sexual energy in the room, but we were both unsure if that was the time or to wait a bit longer.

Even though we were both adults now and wanted each other, it was a big step in our relationship. He kissed me once on the lips, a soft tender kiss that felt like a feather brushed across them.

"Soon my little mouse, when the time is right, I want to make sure everything is perfect" he whispered as his lips were barely touching mine.

My heart swelled with love for this man, always so protective of me, I knew at that moment I wanted to be with him forever.  

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