chapter 42

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The significant wrongness made both Su Jiaojiao and Song Qinghan freeze for a second.

Song Qinghan's gentle expression hardened in the darkness. He walked up to the person who tried to ambush him and was about to retreat. Then, he held onto Su Jiaojiao with one hand and made a fist with the other. The person who was unable to flee in time was hit in the face. All that could be heard was a bone-chilling scream and a few staggering steps backwards. Judging from the footsteps, it seemed like he had fallen.

Song Qinghan went up to the person again, clenching his lips. He didn't wait for the person to get back up before kicking him.

"Grr..." The man seemed to have been angered and pounced forward, trying to get rid of Song Qinghan.

Su Jiaojiao got rid of her husband's hand, "Immobilize him first."

"Ok," he replied, and went charging towards the person.

Su Jiaojiao couldn't get a good grasp of who was winning, but she could see two blurring figures moving. The person in front of her's movements had made a sharp wind raise up, making her cheeks sting and her eyes squint.

Song Qinghan shed all pretences and pounced like a tiger. Although Su Jiaojiao couldn't see him clearly, that was the impression that he gave her. He rushed forwards and struck his legs.

Su Jiaojiao almost forgot to breathe for a second. She heard a 'KACHA' sound, then a wave of screaming and yet another cry, "My legs...they hurt...they hurt so much..."

After dealing with the man, Song Qinghan went to look at the slightly shocked Su Jiaojiao, holding her hand and asking, "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine," Su Jiaojiao smiled and said. Her heart had calmed down after being held by him. She pulled him forward to inspect the situation.

All the other people were watching 'Tunnel Warfare' over a hundred metres away, so no one knew about this incident.

However, Song Qinghan saw some movement behind one of the hay bales after that person was dealt with. He turned icy and had wanted to investigate the movement, but stopped out of consideration towards Su Jiaojiao.

Her safety was obviously the most important in his eyes.

There was a joyous voice coming from behind the hay bale after the person was defeated. It shouted, "Jiaojiao, I'm here!"

"Zhao Sisi?" Su Jiaojiao relaxed and said.

The two of them went over and saw Zhao Sisi lying on the ground behind the hay bales. However, it was too dark, and they couldn't see properly. Song Qinghan stood there without moving (T/N: ...) while Su Jiaojiao helped her up.

"My hands are tied! Can you help me untie the knots?" Zhao Sisi turned around and gave Su Jiaojiao her hands.

Su Jiaojiao looked at her bemusedly and asked, "What happened?"

"I'm not sure. Someone told me you wanted to see me, so I came here. But I got dragged here soon after. I really thought I'd seen a ghost! I had wondered why you ran all the way over there. I even thought you'd give me something good to eat...that scared me to death..." Zhao Sisi said that fearfully. Her tears were still falling, and her body was shaking.

After her binds were untied, Zhao Sisi stood up with the assistance of Su Jiaojiao's shoulder. There was straw on her head, and she seemed both exhausted and afraid. She held Su Jiaojiao hand while cursing at the person who had done this to her.

"I swear, if it wasn't so dark and I could see his face, I would've killed him! Boohoo..."

Su Jiaojiao was also afraid, but not to the extent of Zhao Sisi. After making Zhao Sisi look presentable again, she turned to Song Qinghan and asked,

Su Jiaojiao couldn't see much in the darkness (T/N: This again? C'MON), but she could faintly make out Song Qinghan dragging a man. The man was trying to escape but fell as soon as he got to stand up. He fell so hard the ground trembled. In the end, he was dragged away.

After Zhao Sisi looked at the wretched person, she didn't care who he was and immediately kicked him. Then, she kicked him a few more times. "You [REDACTED]! How dare you try and assault me?"

"It hurts! [REDACTED], my legs are about to break. Send me to the hospital!" After he was hit, the man's shouting intensified. However, he was all bark and no bite, and could only be dragged by the scruff of his neck as he curled into a ball.

Su Jiaojiao also wanted to hit him a few times, but Song Qinghan stopped them before Zhao Sisi had finished inflicting pain on him. "Wait here for a bit. I'll go find the commander."

"I'll go instead," Su Jiaojiao ran to find him.

Wang Jianye was also watching 'Tunnel Warfare'. Su Jiaojiao ran for less than two minutes to find him at the very front, then spoke to him under her breath. He immediately followed her back to where the others were.

After a while, Wang Jianye was able to see who the bruised-face man with broken knees was. He instantly quivered with rage. "How dare you [REDACTED] come to my battalion and cause trouble!"

"Send him to the Public Security Bureau!" Su Jiaojiao recommended.

Zhao Sisi nodded, seconding her thoughts. She clenched her teeth and said, "Yes, send him there! If he doesn't go to jail, I will personally end him!"

Armos D. Platypus: Fun fact, I (apparently) have an update schedule! Which is...Mostly silent reader, why did you ask whether or not I have an update schedule PANIC

Yeah, I don't have an update schedule.

PS: Gimme all your cuddles...I need...more cuddles...

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