chapter 62

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Because Su Jiaojiao was injured, Zhao Sisi went to the town to buy some snacks and pastries for her the next morning: "I'm sorry, it's my fault you're hurt. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have been involved in this."

Zhao Sisi felt it was her responsibility and was full of guilt.

Su Jiaojiao knew that it wasn't Zhao Sisi's fault and wanted to refuse it, but she ran away after giving the snacks. Su Jiaojiao couldn't run due to her twisted ankle, so she could only accept it.

Zhao Sisi gave her mung bean cake and chestnut cake. The taste wasn't bad. Su Jiaojiao liked them a lot, but she still preferred the snacks from the system.

But the matchmaker system was a straight-up b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲. You can only get one small snack a day, and it was only the kind that could be eaten in a single bite.

To think it had showed her some oden and grilled meat before as a demonstration.

Sadly, she could only eat one skewer per day, and she had almost finished the spicy strips of meat she obtained from a previous mission[1]. She had shared the spicy anchovies, also from a previous mission, with family members.

So she was running out of snacks.

Fortunately, Su Jiaojiao was rich. She was reluctant to use the marriage fund of one yuan a day, but she would splurge to buy a few things here or there. That was why she could still eat a lot of snacks.

She hadn't claimed her small snack of the day yet. Since there wasn't anyone in the home aside from her, Su Jiaojiao silently called up the matchmaker system. When she blinked, a grilled lamb skewer that seemed to be steaming hot appeared in her hands.

Su Jiaojiao took a deep breath and took a bite with satisfaction. Delicious!


Using the form of something to help reinforce something is a common practice in China.[2] Since Su Jiaojiao's ankle was hurt, she had to drink bone-reinforcing soup.

Song Qinghan took the time to go to the town to buy two bobbin bones, two trotters, and some meat. All of these were Su Jiaojiao's favorites.

The bobbin bones would be used for the bone-reinforcing soup, and the others would be braised.

The two hens in the family laid one or two eggs every day. Those eggs were quite large, but not all of them were double-yolk eggs[3]. Every two or three days, an especially large egg would pop out. When you cracked it open, more often than not, it would have two yolks.

The two of them would save up those eggs and eat them all at once. As it was September, some foods wouldn't spoil as quickly.

Since she asked her two brothers for help yesterday, Su Jiaojiao asked Song Qinghan to send a portion of the food to them.

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