chapter 47

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Both Su Jiaojiao and Song Qinghan were attractive, and they had a good relationship. They were stuck together even more than a lot of newlyweds. When passerby came over, they couldn't help but smile and joke, "Will there be more good news from your family soon?"

As they said that, Sun Fang could only smile wistfully and say, "Su Jiaojiao had been white and adorable ever since she was a small child. When my grandkid is born, they'll be even cuter."

The two, who were in the honeymoon phase -or to be precise, maybe even the 'ambigious' stage- became bright red after hearing that.

(Look, I've never dated. Too young for that. I honestly don't know a lot about romance.)

They were very sweet and lovey-dovey but were cautious when facing each other. This was the first time both of them had fallen in love, after all. Su Jiaojiao, in particular, wanted to enjoy their current state or relationship. So, they hadn't gone any further yet.

In Su Jiaojiao's previous life, she had been single even at the age of twenty-three. It wasn't even because she was ugly, but because she took things too slowly. All her suitors were impatient and found another quickly.

She hadn't found someone who she found steady enough for a relationship. As the days went by, she had given up on finding a significant other.

After she had transmigrated, she found a husband. Song Qinghan was a lovely guy, but he thought immediately going to sex was a bit too sudden. The two of them had some chemistry and patiently furthered their relationship steadily.

The most crucial point was there weren't any contraceptives in the 70s. At least not in the village. So if they wanted to fornicate, they would also have to be prepared to have a baby.

Su Jiaojiao didn't want to be a mother so soon. She was unwilling to enter a new stage of life right now.

Giving birth was something far away, as well as horrifying for something like her, who was from another life and had never dated.

Song Qinghan had always followed her wishes and never said anything about that. But now this topic has been broached without warning, the two of them were at a loss.

Thankfully, the passerby didn't know their relationship status and just thought Su Jiaojiao was embarrassed, so they didn't continue further. Sun Fang changed the topic.

(This story is translated on FansTranslations and my Patreon. If you're reading this elsewhere, they're pirates!)

Zhang Qing ate soullessly, occasionally looking at Su Jiaojiao and her husband' out of the corner of her eye with jealousy. Although it has been quite a few days since they had displayed their watches, she still wasn't accustomed to them.

After their last meal, she had asked Su Jiaojiao how they got the money for the watches and was shocked. They were bought using Song Qinghan's money?!

To be honest, Zhang Qing had never anticipated that.

She liked watches a lot, but never dreamed of possessing one as they were too expensive. However, she had checked out the prices of watches in the city. Looking at those of the two's, she could estimate their intricate watches cost hundred dollars each.

Four hundred dollars...Su Jiaojiao had also been spending luxuriously on food. It was apparent their daily spending was significant.

How could Song Qinghan shell out so much money, even after Song Qinghan took three hundred dollars from them?

It's probably not because her parents-in-law helped their finances. Although they are biased towards Su Jiaojiao, Sun Fang and Su Zhengyang treat them the same for most things.

After process of elimination, there is only one answer, even if it was implausible – Song Qinghan had kept some money from the Song family!

Seeing how extravagant they were, it could be seen the two still had a lot of money left over. In that case, why would they need financial aid?

Initially, she had thought that every morsel of food Su Jiaojiao ate was leeching their money. This led to their family splitting.

If they hadn't split the family, she might have gotten some of Su Jiaojiao's money. But now, all she could do was watch.

After realizing this, Zhang Qing was unable to sleep for a few nights. When she said her realizations to Su Jianhua, that scumbag beat her up viciously, then ignored what she said.

So now she could only watch in envy no matter how unbearable it was.

Armos D. Platypus: Zhang Qing darkening arc in progress! This is probably my favourite chappie as of date, and I'm loving the massive character fleshing out!

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