chapter 51

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When Mother Song looked at the indifferent Su Jiaojiao, her heart chilled.

Sun Fang, who heard the news, also came over. "You b**!# want to bully my daughter?!"

Mother Song decided to give up on begging Su Jiaojiao and turned to Song Qinghan despairingly, "Qinghan, you can't do this to me! I'm your mother!"

Su Jiaojiao looked at Mother Song's new swindling target calmly.

All the money in the household was in her hands anyways. Song Qinghan didn't think money would be useful to him, and he didn't like shopping, so he entrusted her with all of it. If she didn't let him, he wouldn't be able to give Mother Song a single cent.

Faced with Mother Song's pleading, Song Qinghan nodded his head. "Mother, you're right."

Mother Song's hopes were lifted again. "Then come over to the hospital with the money! Your brother's in the hospital waiting for this sum of money!"

"But I have no money." Song Qinghan spread out his hands helplessly, showing his bare wrists. He'd taken his watch off long ago. "We used most of the three hundred dollars to cure my injuries, and Jiaojiao spent more of it on supplements. My parents-in-law lent the money we have now. I have to return it by the end of the year."

"What did you say?!" Mother Song's face distorted. "That was three hundred dollars! How could you have spent it so quickly?"

The members of the Su family, who had arrived a minute later, were trying their best to keep a straight face. If they hadn't seen Song Qinghan's watch just a few minutes ago, they might've been fooled by his acting skills!

His posture and expression really made it seem like he was telling the truth.

Song Qinghan smiled bitterly, "The coin I used to pay for my broken leg was lent to me by my squadmate. I had to use it to pay him back too."

Mother Song's expression grew grimmer, but she didn't believe him. She said, "I don't care. Come with me to see your brother anyway!"

My older son must be afraid of that girl. If I took him away from her, it would be easier to ask him for money.

(Armos D. Platypus: Can I get a sniper rifle and kill Mother Song? Pwease?)

"Ok." Song Qinghan nodded his head and looked at Su Jiaojiao.

The two of them locked gazes. Su Jiaojiao understood what he was thinking, but she couldn't relax her face because Mother Song was still there. So she said with a fierce expression, "Alright, I'll let you go. But Song Qinghan, I'm telling you this. If you do something behind my back, we will divorce."

After she said that, she looked him in the eye threateningly. Anyone could see that Su Jiaojiao was just a shrew. She even threatened her husband so he wouldn't help his mother-in-law!


The passerby held in gasps of shock and looked at her disbelievingly.

Song Qinghan also blanched slightly and hurriedly assured her, "Of course I won't!"

Su Jiaojiao's fierce expression loosened up a bit after hearing this, but she was still talking in the same cold tone. "I'll give you two dollars. If you aren't coming home tonight, go to a hostel for the night. If there's any money left over, it must be back in my hands!"

She gave him the two dollars and one or two food vouchers. It was just enough for his meals and a night at a hostel.

Su Jiaojiao continued, "There isn't enough salt at home. If there's some money left, buy some salt. If you've got a lot of money left over, buy some sugar too. When you come back home, you must tell me how you'd spent the money."

Now, Song Qinghan wouldn't have any money to give Mother Song even if he wanted to.

This blatant mistreatment had given Song Qinghan a pitiful image in the eyes of the people, but he smiled in satisfaction and clutched the money carefully. "Jiaojiao, thank you."

Passerby: Song Qinghan is really pitiful.

Su Jiaojiao waved her hand like a queen. "Go."

Mother Song watched the entire scene in disbelief. As she looked at the money in Song Qinghan's hands, she started to question her life. "You actually don't have any money?"

Song Qinghan replied, "Of course not. I'm not the one who stays at home, so why would I need money?"

Mother Song looked at her son, then the cocky Su Jiaojiao with her arms crossed on her chest. She was so frustrated by this her heart started hammering in her chest. Her face twisted in pure hatred, "I shouldn't have let you marry this shrew! I had never seen a woman as cruel as her!"

Mother Song had given up on getting any money from Song Qinghan. She was left with smouldering regret. Why did she let that b*!&^ into the Song family!!!

Armos D. Platypus: I'm pretty sure you are the b*!&@. Now go shut the f*@# up, thank you.

PS: The plural of passerby is...passerby. So I'm in the grammatical right here.

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