chapter 55

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This matter had seemed to be over. Yet an afternoon a few days later, two elderlies kneeled at theirs' and Aunt Wong's house. They were unwilling to get up no matter what. They kept on saying, "Since you harmed my son, you must support me in my old age!"

Those were Zhang Shu's parents.

As Zhang Shu took the brunt of the punishment, his family had tried to use their connections to save him, but to no avail. When they discovered Song Qinghan broke his legs and Zhao Sisi sent him to prison, Zhang Shu's parents decided to swindle a sum of money from them. Their plan was simple – sit in front of their houses and shout.

Su Jiaojiao and Song Qinghan were eating lunch when this happened. Su Jiaojiao made a lot, as always. It was a princely meal by the standards of the village.

Su Jiaojiao didn't really like socializing with the villagers. That was because everyone would start feuding with each other whenever they got a break. Therefore, she would usually close the gate of her courtyard. This gate couldn't be easily forced open from the outside, so their house was pretty quiet.

(T/N: If you have spare time, don't start feuding with people! Read a book, cultivate a new hobby or spend time with your loved ones instead.)

So the hoarse voice that came from outside their house came as a shock. "Ayo, my son's legs were broken by you. To treat his injuries, we had to use all of the money. You b!&@(!& have to compensate my son and me..."

When Su Jiaojiao heard that, her hands shook and the piece of meat she was holding fell to the table.

Su Jiaojiao smiled slightly as he stopped the murderous Su Jiaojiao. "Let me handle this."

He wasn't that able to utilize his skillset against the Song family members due to social constraints, so most of their efforts were focused on Su Jiaojiao. However, he could act freely against anyone else.

It was fine for Song Qinghan to ask Su Jiaojiao for help once or twice, but he wouldn't rely on her.

Su Jiaojiao inspected his cold expression. Although he had more etiquette than most of the townsfolk, he was strong and wouldn't be beaten up easily. She didn't stop him and said, "Alright, be careful."

"I will."

Song Qinghan walked out as a man with a plan.

By this time, there was a throng of people by the gateway. They were all here to watch the commotion about to happen.

Song Qinghan saw a white-haired old lady kneeling at their gate. Her wrinkly skin and ill-fitting, patch-filled clothes invoked pity in others.

Her muddy eyes had turned red long ago and her teeth had mostly fallen out. When she opened her mouth to yell at him, spittle flew everywhere. "It was you who harmed our son, who made us penniless, so you should support us! Give me money and a place to live, or else I'll stay here until I die. Then, you'll be the one who killed us!"

As if to follow up on her lead, an old man with a similarly hoarse voice said something essentially the same. "You're such a vicious girl! What did my son do for you to throw him into jail! Not only that, but he even got the death penalty! If he dies, you will support me..."

Zhao Sisi closed the door shut and roared back, "Then what did I do for your son to try and r̲a̲p̲e̲ me? It's your fault for raising such gutter trash, and he deserves the death penalty!"

(Only read on FansTranslations, or you're actively supporting pirates! TT)

There were curses and shouting from both sides.

Wang Jianye rubbed his solar plexus tiredly. Angered by the ruckus, he roared impatiently in a power pose. "What the f&!^@ are you doing! Things wouldn't have escalated to this point if YOUR SON HADN'T TRIED TO R̲A̲P̲E̲ HER!!!"

"My son is about to die! If it wasn't for you, he might have still lived!" The old woman's curses got progressively louder. She pounded her chest and seemed like she'd pass out any second now.

Song Qinghan was listening to her words calmly, but he ignored her and asked Wang Jianye, "Commander, isn't it time to call the Public Security Bureau?"

Wang Jianye froze when he heard this, "What?"

After all, she wasn't breaking any laws.

Which old lady didn't do the same? Whenever something like petty theft happened, they'd shout at the thief in the streets until he or she becomes uncomfortable.

Now, she was homeless. Wang Jianye didn't understand what Song Qinghan was telling him to do by calling the police.

That old woman sobbed uncontrollably. Some of the more soft-hearted passersby couldn't stop themselves from sighing, but nobody stood out to help her.

After all, she actually deserved it unlike Mother Song.

(T/N: Author, please refrain from using wildly contradictory statements every chapter. Thank you very much.)

Song Qinghan said, "Her actions count as threatening. I was acting out of justice, but was threatened like that. Who would stand out to help the weak and innocent now? In the future, people would just get picked on. After all, people who try to help them would even be blackmailed and threatened by scumbags like that gutter trash Zhang Shu's parents."

Armos D. Platypus: People nowadays might actually be nicer than back then...or are they? Yeah, they probably aren't.

PS: Why does the author give details for the most inconsequential things...

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