My secret

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My heart was beating at a higher rate and my cheeks were heated. I felt embarrassed and nervous. I could feel the muscles of his arms under my butt and with how easily he was carrying me, I couldn't stop thinking about how strong he was.

"Um," And I've been meaning to say this for a while, "Sir, you can let me down," I said softly, "I must be heavy." We safely walked out of the building but he was still carrying me while he walked on the footpath.

Just how far did he park his car?!? And doesn't he find this awkward or anything? Or does he not think much of it since I'm just a guy to him...

He stopped and looked at me, "Not at all," Our eyes met and I felt giddy, "You don't weigh much at all."

My heart did a flip after listening to him!


He's a natural flirt, isn't he? How can he say things like that!

"B-but still!" I was feeling weirdly bubbly, "I should walk on my own! There's no need for you to carry me!"

"You were about to fall down before."

"That was because of the drug! I'm fine now." Dark clouds assembled in the sky. "You can let me down."

"No, I don't want you to get hurt." He replied, "I just need you to trust me and tell me what you talked about Zhou-Lin,"

"It was nothing,' I looked away. I can't tell him I'm a girl. How will I explain things to him? And why do I need to explain things to him?

"Clio, trust me when I say Zhou-Lin is dangerous."

"I can tell," I avoided his gaze.

"Then why not tell me what you talked about? Did he threaten you?"

"No," I answered, "I just," I shook my head, "I never wanted to tell him anything, I just had to. I don't want to tell more people about it."

"Why would you tell him and not me? Is it because he kidnapped you? Drugged you? And you had no choice to say anything. That's called being threatened."

"Well," I was at a loss for words. He was right. I was threatened... And because of that I couldn't help but spill most of the things out. Zhou-Lin already tried to kill me once and I know he can do it again! I was so scared, I told him! But now I'm worried it'll get out.

I really don't want to expand this fear...

"Will you tell me if I do the same thing?"

My eyes went wide and I shot my head towards him, "What?" My heart skipped a beat while he stared back at me with dark black eyes, "Do what?"

"Kidnap you, oh, wait, I have to drug you before that and keep you locked somewhere."

I couldn't tell if he was joking or if he was kidding. His expressions were grim, with no hint of mischief or that he was kidding.

"Um, are you serious?" I asked softly, feeling nervous.

"I was serious when I said I'd protect you," His expression remained blank, "But it seems like you have no trust in me." My heart started to pound. There was a sense of danger lurking but I couldn't be sure about it.

"It's not that..." I kept my eyes on him

"Why were you attacked?" He asked, "I recognize one of the men as your neighbor. Who's the other one?"

My eyebrows knitted together and I frowned, "You went to my apartment?"

"I did,"

"Why?" I frowned, "How?" I shook my head, "There was no way for you to find out about that or for you to go there. So, why?" It made me feel weird. Why would he be in the apartment? On that note, why did he come for me at all? How did he know???

He kept his eyes on me, "Detective Harou was in my office when he got a call about a shooting in an apartment complex. I recognized the place since I've been there myself."

"Oh..." That made sense... My anxiety calmed down a little. But the part that didn't make sense was that Zhou-Lin said he'd come. How did he know that Matthew would know? I know it's stupid of me and I shouldn't pay any attention to what a gangster says but his words are pinching at the back of my mind.

He said, 'What if Matthew wasn't human?' He also said Matthew wasn't normal. And I do get the feeling that he's different. Especially because I also remember the inhuman speed with which he was chasing me when I ran from Lux.

"So," The boss asked, "Who were they? Why did they suddenly attack you?" He brought me down and I slowly landed my feet on the ground but he didn't let my arms go, "Your neighbor wouldn't attack you out of the blue for no reason."

I looked down.

Lying would do me no good here.

"I didn't kill them-"

"I know," He cut me off, "They were shot, and you don't own a gun. Plus the kind of bullets used are easily available. I'm sure it was Zhou-Lin. He was the one who kidnapped you after all." He grabbed my chin softly and made me look at him, "I asked, why did they attack you?"

We stared at each other and I gulped, "They were my highschool bullies." I answered and hoped I wouldn't have to elaborate like I had to for Zhou-Lin, "My neighbor didn't recognize me but when the other one came to visit, he immediately knew who I was and they both just wanted to bully me more."


"Are they both dead?" I changed the topic but as soon as I asked the question, my heart dropped.

OH MY GOD... I didn't think about this! Are they dead? They were shot!

Oh Shit!

I hope not!

"Yes," Matthew replied and my eyes went wide. My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach and I felt sick.

"Oh My God..." Clouds of dread loomed over me, "Am I in trouble?" I looked at Matthew, "It happened in my apartment! Am I going to get convicted!!?"

"The detective will give you the details about that."

"Sir!" My heart rate increased so much, I felt like it was going to burst out, "A-am I going to jail?"

"Clio-" He was about to say something more when he inhaled something from the air, he moved his head around a little then frowned. His eyes went wide and I think I saw his eyes flash? Then he slowly turned to look at me again.

"You," His black eyes seemed to turn darker, which was a little scary.

"Yes?" It made me nervous. I felt anxious, my guts told me something was going to go wrong.

"You smell like a woman,"



A woman...

There's no mistake.

I'm sure the scent changed. No, it didn't change. It enhanced. The first time I looked at him, I was confused. There was a pretty boy in front of me but he didn't smell like one but his feminine scent wasn't sharp either. There was just this blank smell, the type kids have. It felt like something was missing. With how hard he smacked my head back then, I let the whole thing go considering how rude of it was for me to do what I did.

But it suddenly evolved. This close up, I knew I smelled it clearly.

The scent of a woman. There's no doubt

"You're a female," I said, "Then why are you going around pretending to be a man?"

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