The odd questions

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Chris had a blank expression on her face. She studied all of us, and I felt weirdly nervous. A sense of doom loomed over me, as if something was wrong. For a moment, I noticed a weird look in her eyes, similar to what I saw the first time I met her at the office and when she came to talk to Matthew after Rameen's death.

"No," She took a step and moved aside, "Please, come in," She answered and we all walked into her house.

The inside was eerie. The place was clean but there was a sadness attached to it, along with a sense of solitude.

We all went and sat down in the lounge. The lights weren't too bright before we entered but as we settled down Chris turned on more lights to brighten up the place. The first thing I noticed there was the urn.

Rameen's urn

Sitting in the middle of the shelf above the fireplace.

"Do you guys want something to drink?" Chris asked.

"Oh no!" I was the first one to stop her, "Please, just sit with us." I felt bad. Just what is Harou planning?

"You don't have to get us anything," Harou answered but Matthew didn't even look at her properly. It was like he was purposely avoiding looking at her as he looked around the house. His gaze traveled everywhere but her and I think she noticed that.

Chris sat down on the puffy and took a deep breath.

"How are you doing?" Harou asked her.

"I'm not exactly sure," She answered, then paused, "There's something I've been thinking about a lot though,"

"What?" The detective was alert.

"Who do you think is in the video?" Chris asked, "In the office footage?"

I saw Matthew freeze, his gaze was elsewhere but it stopped moving as well. Then he finally turned to look at the victim's mother.

"My guess is it's someone from the office." Harou glanced at Matthew, "From the physique, it's someone big," He then looked at me, "But we still haven't found out who it is."

"Detective," Chris had a deadpan voice, "Did you release the footage?"

Harou put on a poker face, "I did,"

"There's another reason you're here, aren't you?" She seemed emotionless.

The detective gave out a subtle smile like he had been caught, "Yes," He nodded, "Have you seen the recent video that got uploaded online?" He asked as he stood up from the couch and walked around, "The one that shows the man in black walking the streets."

Chris nodded, "Yes,"

"Then I'm sure you heard the news too," He stepped towards the big shelf, staring at the urn, "There's a speculation that the killer originally planned to put the head at your house but changed his mind." Matthew followed him without a word.

"Yes, I heard..." Chris kept her eyes on the detective, "Is that why you're here? To see if he had entered my house?"

"..." Haroupaused for a moment, "Did he?"

"Not that I'm aware of," She replied, "And the house is locked, unless someone has a key, they can't come in."

"But I'm sure Rameen had a key," He curiously stared at the Urn.


"Oh yes..." The realization hit her and me too.

"And the fact that he knew where your house is and where your office is, along with the desk you sit on, pretty much guarantees the killer is someone you know personally."

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