Brutal Savior

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It was almost five in the evening, time for everyone to pack up and leave.

But all eyes were stuck on live TV

My heart was ready to drum out of my chest but at the same time it felt like it had stopped.

I had no idea what I could do. What could I do when I was so far away from her? City D was hours away and Chris was going to kill my mother at any moment.

The anticipation, the tension, and the dread in the room was palpable. Tears were welling up in my eyes as I stared at the screen, my lips sewn together.

I never would have thought something so bizarre like this would happen. I shook my head in denial and I kept shaking it when I felt a hand come to my shoulder


It scared me initially and I shot my head around but a sense of calm came over when I saw it was Matthew.

He had a grim expression on but he didn't look like he was worried. He had his eyes on the screen and it looked like he was waiting for something.

"Look," But Chris's voice made me turn to the TV again, "I'm not going to waste any time." She let out a chuckle, "Since I'm live, it's not like I have any either." She looked down at my mother, "You have a very nice daughter."

My mother whimpered, I could see the tears in the corners of her eyes. She didn't say anything, just closed her eyes to accept her fate as Chris raised her sickle.

"NO!!" I yelled out, unconsciously walking towards the screen, letting Matthew's hand slip away as my tears came rushing out, "Please no!!!"

"Clio," Matthew came after me, grabbing my shoulders, "Wait," He told me

"Wait?" I shot my head at him when something happened.

In the midst of the ominous confrontation happening on TV, the atmosphere shifted as a primal force interjected itself into the unfolding drama. A sudden, ferocious growl reverberated through the air, sending shivers down my spine.

I shot my head back at the screen and noticed Chris had her eyes on someone else who wasn't on screen, her sickle didn't stop but her action was halted when the source of the growl materialized in a blur of fur and fangs—a wolf entered the scene.


Loud gasps filled with disbelief reverberated in the room

The wolf lunged at the serial killer with speed that defied the bounds of the human world. It felt like it came out of nowhere but then I remembered that there was a window at that side and it must have jumped in from there. Its teeth sank into the assailant's arm, causing a visceral reaction. The grip on my mother momentarily loosened, which allowed her for desperate escape.

In the chaotic moment Chris was contended with the unpredictable force of the wild and found herself momentarily incapacitated. The wolf's intervention became a supernatural catalyst, disrupting the malevolent design that had sought to claim another victim.

But, I frowned.

How the hell did the wolf make it to that floor? There was something awfully familiar about that wolf. The color of his fur resembled someone's hair.

But I had no time to focus on other things as I watched mom stagger away, a mix of fear and relief etched across her face, followed by a sigh of relief escaping my lips.

"You!" Chris's arm bled but the wolf didn't allow her to say anything further as it didn't stop his actions. With a sudden burst of speed, the wolf lunged at the serial killer, teeth bared and claws unsheathed. A symphony of growls and snarls filled the air as the predator engaged its prey. Chris, caught off guard by the swift and savage assault, struggled to defend against the relentless onslaught.

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