Chapter 9 Super Warehouse

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With the gun situation sorted out, Zhang Yi felt considerably relieved. In the apocalypse, having this tool provided immense confidence when dealing with both human and non-human threats.

The next day, Zhang Yi packed some essential belongings into his personal space. As his house was to be converted into a safe house, he temporarily moved to a hotel.

Early in the morning, three black vans entered Yue Lu Residential Area. Workers from the Dragon War Company, dressed in work uniforms, disembarked and began measuring the data of Zhang Yi's house. Many neighbors observed the scene with curiosity.

"Has Zhang Yi been taking the wrong medicine lately? Why is he always up to something weird?"

"A few days ago, I saw him buying groceries at the supermarket. He had three shopping carts full!"

"Hahaha! It's like he's preparing for the end of the world, hoarding so much food. What if it expires, and he wasted it all?"

"Maybe something's wrong with his mind!"

People couldn't understand Zhang Yi's unusual behavior, treating him more as a joke than anything else.

Even Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining thought Zhang Yi had gone crazy. Lin Caining suddenly realized, "I get it now. That day, he went to a Michelin three-star restaurant to eat. It turns out he's lost his mind!"

Fang Yuqing, feeling a bit resentful for all the effort she put into helping Zhang Yi carry things home that day, said, "This Zhang Yi, what is he up to?"

Meanwhile, Zhang Yi didn't care about how the neighbors perceived him. In a month, they would understand who the real joke was.

Leaving his house, he drove to the Walmart warehouse. It was Monday, time to go to work and discreetly investigate to facilitate his plans.

The Walmart warehouse, located in the economic development zone on the outskirts of Tianhai City, gathered many large group warehouses due to the lower land prices in the area. Even pharmaceutical company warehouses were present.

This location made it convenient for Zhang Yi to acquire some special medicines later.

Arriving at the Walmart warehouse, Zhang Yi clocked in as usual. As the warehouse manager, he was extremely familiar with every shelf and every item. Each warehouse and even every shelf held no secrets for him.

Although the surveillance here was strict, he knew all the vulnerabilities. With ten minutes, he could disable the entire surveillance system and use the space ability to take everything.

However, he decided not to act immediately. There was plenty of time, and he didn't want to alert anyone.

After strolling through the warehouse, he left. Carrying a pack of Huanghelou cigarettes, he went to the neighboring Raining Pharmaceutical Company's warehouse.

Since he worked in the same place, he was familiar with their staff. After finding Zhou Hairun, the warehouse manager, Zhang Yi chatted with him and subtly mentioned his objective.

He hoped to obtain several boxes of special medicine to treat critical illnesses.

Initially cautious, Zhou Hairun eventually couldn't resist when Zhang Yi offered double the market price for the medicines.

The deal was settled for 3 million, and with that, Zhang Yi had procured almost all the essential resources for the upcoming apocalypse.

With less than a month until the end of the world, Zhang Yi no longer had the mood for work. He went to the office of the warehouse manager, fabricated a story about his grandfather's funeral in his hometown, and requested a twenty-day leave.

Given Zhang Yi's good relationship with the manager, his unusual leave request was easily granted.

For the next period, Zhang Yi planned to relax in a five-star hotel, waiting for the ordered supplies and the completion of his safe house.

As he exited the manager's office, he happened to see Fang Yuqing pouring coffee at the coffee machine, swaying her hips provocatively. Her actions attracted some young men who eagerly approached, trying to impress her.

One guy named Zhou Peng invited Fang Yuqing to a concert of Jay Chou, proudly waving the concert tickets as he spoke.

Zhou Peng was well remembered by Zhang Yi because he lived in the same neighborhood. Moreover, he was one of the people from his past life who played a part in causing Zhang Yi's death.

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