Chapter 75: The Power of White Phosphorus

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Zhang Yi's reaction was swift. Wearing only his pajamas, he quickly got out of bed and retrieved a pistol from the dimensional space, keeping it ready with the safety off. He checked the external surveillance on his phone.

The living room was undisturbed, but in Zhou Keren's room, she looked terrified, wrapping herself in a blanket, cowering in the corner. The house seemed safe, and Zhang Yi felt relieved.

However, when he looked outside through the surveillance, he spotted the dozen or so suspicious figures. Armed mainly with shovels, they also carried steel bars, wooden boards, and axes. On closer inspection, Zhang Yi recognized the red three-layer wooden boards commonly used on construction sites.

He remembered vividly that there were no construction workers inside their building. However, in the adjacent Building 26, there was a group of over twenty workers from nearby construction sites who lived in company-rented housing.

The dust settled, and the intruders hurried to the entrance to check whether the explosion was successful or not. Their preparedness and clear target, directly aimed at Zhang Yi, caught his attention.

Zhang Yi's gaze turned ice-cold. Apparently, news of his well-stocked home had leaked to the outside. The thick metal door, untouched and undamaged, left Uncle You and the others outside dumbfounded.

"Old Donkey, what did you do? This damn thing couldn't even blow a door open!" An angry worker questioned Old Donkey.

Old Donkey hadn't expected this outcome either. He explained, "This isn't right! The explosives I prepared are fine. Maybe... they got damp!"

Old Donkey was skilled in blasting within the construction team, using rudimentary methods. So, while the explosion made a loud noise, compared to explosives handled by professionals, it lacked considerable power. Even if it didn't break open Zhang Yi's door, it should have at least damaged the nearby walls.

In simple terms, it caused little harm but had a strong intimidation factor.

Zhang Yi, through the mobile app, confirmed that his house was undamaged. However, his anger burned within him. These people wanted him dead!

Then let them die first!

Outside, the group continued complaining, and some had already attempted to use shovels to break the door. They didn't notice a small window opening above them.

Zhang Yi ignited a Molotov cocktail and threw it outside. The flames roared to life. Not satisfied, he took out several small white bottles from the dimensional space. They contained nearly transparent white liquid, a simplified version of white phosphorus.

White phosphorus, known as the "fire of hell," burned at temperatures exceeding 1000℃, capable of eliminating all living organisms within a certain range. Its explosion produced intense light and splattering burning fragments, difficult to remove once on the skin. Injuries were gruesome, not only causing terrifying damage but also instilling strong psychological shock.

Internationally, the use of white phosphorus is prohibited. Zhang Yi, however, didn't care about that. Any means that could effectively kill the enemy, he was willing to use!

The Molotov cocktail landed on the ground, creating a raging fire. Though its lethality was limited, the invaders had crossed the snow layer, and their clothes were wet, making it challenging to ignite. However, as the Molotov cocktail formed flames on the ground, sulfur dioxide quickly evaporated, causing the dissolved white phosphorus to ignite!

In an instant, temperatures exceeding a thousand degrees were created in the air! Flames splattered onto their clothes, impossible to extinguish. Suddenly, the corridor outside turned into a sea of fire.

Zhang Yi's actions exceeded the expectations of the intruders. They couldn't react within the short ten seconds. Many were stuck to the flames of burning white phosphorus. Their down jackets and cotton clothes became excellent burning materials.

"Ah!!!" "Save me, save me!"

The piercing screams echoed like cries from hell. Burned alive, it was arguably the most painful way to die for a human being. Even a minor burn from a matchstick on a finger could be excruciating, not to mention when every inch of the skin was consumed by flames!

Zhang Yi felt unsatisfied and retrieved a pistol from the dimensional space, shooting wildly at the outside!

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

He didn't care about saving bullets and fired like setting off fireworks. Soon, one corpse after another fell.

Of the dozen attackers, only eight corpses were left, and five or six managed to escape.

Zhang Yi didn't open the door to pursue; safety was the top priority. After confirming their deaths, he closed the firing hole and activated the air filtration system to prevent smoke from entering the house.

Looking at the empty gun in his hand, he couldn't help shaking his head. "This thing is really not durable. Good thing I didn't buy a machine gun; otherwise, I'd have used up a few hundred bullets in one burst!"

It seemed he needed to figure out a way to get some firearms in the future. Before, he didn't have such a heightened sense of crisis. But today, the workers from the nearby floors had awakened him with explosive methods.

In this apocalyptic world, those who could survive were not simple. The people he would encounter in the future would be ruthless characters. If one day an engineer carrying a large amount of explosives arrived, he might be able to blow up this entire building!

Of course, this was an exaggeration. After all, the amount would be too large, not something an ordinary person could acquire. Nevertheless, Zhang Yi had to be prepared.

"I'll definitely kill all these bastards!" Zhang Yi swore fiercely.

He went to Zhou Keren's room and opened the door.

Zhou Keren, curled up in the corner, tightly hugged her head between her snow-white legs, looked up upon hearing Zhang Yi's voice. "It's okay."

Zhang Yi reassured her.

Zhou Keren, upon hearing Zhang Yi's voice, suddenly felt remarkably at ease.

Although this man was overly cautious and always portrayed an indifferent demeanor, at this moment, he was the warmest person in Zhou Keren's heart.

She raised her head and looked at Zhang Yi, trying to explain, "I'm not scared. I just thought there was an earthquake, and it's safer to hide in the corner."

Zhang Yi laughed helplessly, "If there really was an earthquake on the 24th floor, hiding anywhere wouldn't keep you safe!"

Zhou Keren stood up and asked, "What just happened?"

Zhang Yi sat on her bed.

Before Zhou Keren moved in, the room was dull, without even a bedspread. But after her arrival, it gained a touch of warmth. Pink velvet blankets, yellow bed sheets, and on the windowsill hung her washed black lace underwear and stockings.

It was evident she was an exquisite woman.

Of course, it wasn't just her own room; the entire building, including Zhang Yi's bedroom, was cleaned every day by her.

Zhang Yi thought to himself, having a sensible woman by your side was indeed nice. If it weren't for the apocalypse, a woman like her wouldn't be affordable without a dowry of at least 1.888 million.

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